I agree with Pat. Jessie's bike is pretty much plain jane - done tens of thousands of times over. It's a nice bike and looks good but I also think the rake is stupidly high making it near unridable as you have to look around the neck and handlebars just to see forward. Senior - well - the show is called American Chopper and he is not even building a bike let alone a chopper - he lost before they even started building. Junior wins - the design itself is very minimalist but it's over the top with bling. I dig the rivets but it's a bit more copper than I'd like.
One thing I do disagree on is on Junior and Seniors shops only building bikes with off the shelf parts and lots of bling. You regularly see both using english wheels, pounders, mandrel benders, etc making custom tanks, fenders, exhaust, covers, etc. There is only but so much you can make from scratch on a bike. One of juniors recent creations even had a 100% custom made in shop aluminum I-beam frame. I can understand that it would simply be time/cost prohibitive to fabricate everything possible in house.
One thing I do disagree on is on Junior and Seniors shops only building bikes with off the shelf parts and lots of bling. You regularly see both using english wheels, pounders, mandrel benders, etc making custom tanks, fenders, exhaust, covers, etc. There is only but so much you can make from scratch on a bike. One of juniors recent creations even had a 100% custom made in shop aluminum I-beam frame. I can understand that it would simply be time/cost prohibitive to fabricate everything possible in house.