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I had a Lady come into our shop looking for a Boat License number. Its Law here that you have to have it in 4" tall lettering displayed clearly on your boat on both sides. We made it and when she showed up to pick it up she said it wasn't what she wanted. I asked her what was wrong with it. She replied "I wanted the one side mirrored, these won't look the same". To which I replied " You can't do that, the numbers won't read right". She looked at me like I was the moron and told me that of course you could...why couldn't you?! after 5 more minutes of trying to explain to her how numbers and letters work and how people read the English language I finally just took the decal over to the window and put it up so you could see the mirrored decal and asked her to read it. Still took her about 10 seconds to fully process that. That was a truly stunning display idiocy. Morons are multiplying at an alarming rate, something needs to be done.... Education or Castration!!
It's amazing how dumb people can be. I had a job like this a couple years back and the scary thing is this person worked for our local county emergency services department. Design proof was approved and vehicle was striped and lettered as per the proof. A few days after it was finished I get a call from this person saying that it's not right and that the right side is not the same as the left. (Lettering was: Line 1: D***** County, Line 2: Emergency Services). She started to tell me that the "D" should be at the front of the vehicle on both sides. Took me a while to figure out what she was getting at and I tried to explain to here that English is read left to right which puts the D at the back of the vehicle on the passengers side and at the front of the vehicle on the drivers side. What she wanted could only be accomplished in 2 ways (mirroring it or spelling it backwards) and neither way would be readable, unless you are dyslexic. She persisted that I was wrong and that it was not right. So, I took the time out to create 2 proofs of how she thought it would be correct. Needless to say after she seen the proofs for how she wanted it she realized how idiotic she sounded. These people really do exist.