Hello everyone. I’m looking to buy an old JV3-130 SP II Mimaki, and the owner sent me this picture of the nuzzle check. The printer has only 2 dx4 heads (CMYK). The printer did't print much in the past year. What do you think? Thanks.

those heads are in the correct order. we say CMYK, but JV3's are setup as KMCY. black printhead being zero, and the MCY printheads align to it.
as far as printhead recovery is concerned, its worth a shot.... majority of the nozzles are a bit deflected and some long head soaks & cleanings & new wiper blade might recover a good portion of them.
....BUT that gash down the middle is most likely a brutal headstrike between the metal printhead and some metal component like a edge holder. highly unlikely those will recover. if you were to look on the underside of the printhead, i bet you'll see the extent of the damage to the metal. you can't recover damaged metal nozzles.
similar to a shower-head, with all the nozzles spraying water. over time they gunk-up, and some Calcium-Lime-Rust remover solvent can clear them back out & have them operating like-new, BUT imagine taking a claw hammer and giving the face of the shower head a clean WHACK...denting/benting/cleaving-off the nozzles in a line, they'll never fire again properly, if at all.
No doubt that machine can still print, but you will have noticeable banding and color issues, and those heads are $650+ each. Relatively easy to replace yourself, with the right direction, but most tech's will charge an additional $500+/printhead plus travel to install&align.
Hello everyone. I’m looking to buy an old JV3-130 SP II Mimaki, and the owner sent me this picture of the nuzzle check. The printer has only 2 dx4 heads (CMYK). The printer did't print much in the past year. What do you think? Thanks.
Did you read the replies above? The print heads are all 100% damaged and will NOT be repairable.
They all need replaced and cost about $1000 each (around $5000 total), not counting labor.
We had trouble selling the same machine (in better shape) for $1000 a couple years ago with all good printheads.
In its current state it is only sell able as a parts machine and not worth $500. Do not buy it.
Also, the cartridges for this machine are really starting to get hard to find and expensive now that not many people are running them.
Hey guys. This is the printhead after few cleanings. What do you think?