Deaton Design
New Member
Amazing story Gino!
Guess I'm pretty fortunate. All my customers are great about this.
I did sell some screen printing equipment to a guy stupidly letting him make payments. Never again. That was almost 4 years ago and he still owes me $1500. I'm never going to see it. I just decided to let it go instead of letting it eat me up inside. I still have dreams of finding the check in my mailbox someday. He had lots of excuses, but then just stopped responding to me.
Not sure how some people can sleep at night.
"Our shop dog got sick last night and puked/sh*t all over our accounting desk. All of our checks were ruined. Could you please wait until we get new checks to pay you? Our bank said it takes 3-4 weeks to get new checks."
That one took the cake in my book.
Us: You approved all the proofs. How about I'll send someone over to uninstall the sign (it's a lobby sign).
Them: No!!! We already paid half.
Us: Them maybe we can just have him remove half the sign...
"A salesman from another sign shop took a look at your lettering and said they'd have done it for $150 less so we ordered it from them. We've been meaning to call you to tell you to come take the lettering down and bring our deposit back."
This was 45 days after I'd lettered the windows.