I am in the art department of this museum and not really sure why I even mentioned the museum part except to say I will not be printing bumper stickers and various collateral, just large prints.
Well, I print bumper stickers, various collateral, and large bloody art prints... On two different printers (altho I did get quite a deal on some vinyl for my Epson 9800 - and next week, I may even try lifting a roll of it...).
These beasties are not going to be happy with sitting dormant and dusty. You gotta use 'em, or you're gonna be explaining to your curator just why you want to exhibit several thousand dollars of "last year's expensive computer budget" as this year's "nonfunctional obsolete pile of occasionally dripping slag heap" (okay... took nyquil, couldn't sleep, so I watched Top Gear, and then wandered by the confuser, and...).
Closest thing one will come to "without a RIP" is an Epson 9800, using Photochop for color management. Works okay, but you're limited to 44" x 90" in size.
Now, which bloody museum is it? There ain't really that many, unless you're counting the outlying areas too... Is it inside New Circle? Or is it more or less inside "frankfort/harrodsburg/nickyville/versailles?"