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Let me have it both barrels please

Locals Find!

New Member
Here is a concept for a sign I have been working on. I sketched a rough idea on paper and was trying to see what it would actually look like in color vs. my doodles.

I know the fonts are all wrong. I just kinda threw them in there. (So please take that into account when you see Brush script) I was thinking of using A&S Old Glory for the word American. I am open to all suggestions fonts especially including tossing it in the recycle bin and starting over.


  • sign-concept.jpg
    145.3 KB · Views: 117


New Member
oh man from the title i was hoping it was going to be you standing in front of a target.

what a let down.

Locals Find!

New Member
Probably a joke, but this is some Golden Era vectors for an idea of what your design should be kinda sorta like

This was no joke. That is actually a pretty nice design. What fonts are those and where did you get the vectors?

I would love to experiment with something similar


New Member
shut the computer off...
you are going about it all wrong...
grab a pen and do 6 thumbnail sketches..

I mean it... you wrote in that other thread that you meant to learn instead of brokering design work... yet a year ago, after many of us gave you numerous ideas on numerous posts... you said you give up & just want to leave it to the real designers...

...if you have changed your intentions, and now you really want to learn, then I hope you take the advice you are given... if you draw 6 concept sketches & post them, I will draw 6... if you don't, I will stay out of the way on your future help-me posts...

don't start computing before you have a concept... your layout is so weak, you could have posted a 30 second doodle on a post it note & received a unanimous "start-over" ...instead you spent more time on the computer than you should need for 6 sketches....

remember, the idea of a sketch is NOT to look good... so don't worry if you can draw... just try square layouts, round ones... ovals... use banners or ribbons.. use panels... rule lines... just think up some variations, and play with prioritizing copy... with 6, you will almost always get one or two that are vastly more appropriate or functional than the others.. then you could make 6 versions of that one (or two) concept(s)...

then you can think about color and fonts... once you have a decent layout concept...

another reason this is a good idea, is because you can do this in 5 minutes in front of your client, and get them to help pick one... then by the time they leave, they are "on board" with what you also think is the one worth spending time on, and you can usually spend more time on the first go-round, when the concept is already sort of approved.


Active Member
This is basic Yellow Page layout stuff here. The fonts are to stiff. lose the banner and the transparent flag in background. This does not make me think of a kitchen at all


Premium Subscriber
Why post it in the first place, if you know so much about it is wrong, do you waste your time and ours looking at nonsense ??

Pat Whatley

New Member
Never been a big fan of photo backgrounds....especially flags. With the bold red and blue and the bright white and the stripes, and the blue field and the stars there's just too many conflicting elements there already. Makes a nice flag....makes a horrible background.

Here's one I played with showing two different backgrounds to give you a better idea.

And God help you if you come on here and say you've got to do the flag background because that's what the customer wants.


  • american22.jpg
    121.5 KB · Views: 115

Dave Drane

New Member
Softened flag in background is ok, the ribbon turned upside down with "American" in it would work better and then better font choices for "Kitchen & Bath Gallery" maybe could be made into a usable design.

Locals Find!

New Member
shut the computer off...
you are going about it all wrong...
grab a pen and do 6 thumbnail sketches..

I mean it... you wrote in that other thread that you meant to learn instead of brokering design work... yet a year ago, after many of us gave you numerous ideas on numerous posts... you said you give up & just want to leave it to the real designers...

...if you have changed your intentions, and now you really want to learn, then I hope you take the advice you are given... if you draw 6 concept sketches & post them, I will draw 6... if you don't, I will stay out of the way on your future help-me posts...

don't start computing before you have a concept... your layout is so weak, you could have posted a 30 second doodle on a post it note & received a unanimous "start-over" ...instead you spent more time on the computer than you should need for 6 sketches....

remember, the idea of a sketch is NOT to look good... so don't worry if you can draw... just try square layouts, round ones... ovals... use banners or ribbons.. use panels... rule lines... just think up some variations, and play with prioritizing copy... with 6, you will almost always get one or two that are vastly more appropriate or functional than the others.. then you could make 6 versions of that one (or two) concept(s)...

then you can think about color and fonts... once you have a decent layout concept...

another reason this is a good idea, is because you can do this in 5 minutes in front of your client, and get them to help pick one... then by the time they leave, they are "on board" with what you also think is the one worth spending time on, and you can usually spend more time on the first go-round, when the concept is already sort of approved.

Doug, I will post up some more sketches later today. My original drawing is covered in more doodles.

Why post it in the first place, if you know so much about it is wrong, do you waste your time and ours looking at nonsense ??

Like I said in my OP Gino, it was an idea I had and I was kinda seeing if the panel idea with my elements and basic idea of laying out the text was worth trying to improve upon or just tossing altogether.

Never been a big fan of photo backgrounds....especially flags. With the bold red and blue and the bright white and the stripes, and the blue field and the stars there's just too many conflicting elements there already. Makes a nice flag....makes a horrible background.

Here's one I played with showing two different backgrounds to give you a better idea.

And God help you if you come on here and say you've got to do the flag background because that's what the customer wants.

I don't have to do any kind of background the customer pointed out something that caught his eye when I was showing him the A&S Old Glory font I was thinking of using for his design. I have pretty much free reign here. He just wants it to look nice and be right.

The panel idea was mine to try and match up with the Architecture of his building. I wanted the sign to fit the surroundings rather than just a big digital print of straight text.

Usually I would offer to buy the design from you. This time though I really wanna try and do it myself. Even if it never gets used and I end up hiring a designer in the end.

Softened flag in background is ok, the ribbon turned upside down with "American" in it would work better and then better font choices for "Kitchen & Bath Gallery" maybe could be made into a usable design.

Thank you Dave. I will work on improving it and post a few other ideas I was working on later today.


New Member
Nice Pat :thumb:

Addie, you need more understanding of harmonious relationships between design elements. It's a complex area of design that is difficult to learn and is really something that you just see and the brain understands without much thought.

Pat Whatley

New Member
Usually I would offer to buy the design from you. This time though I really wanna try and do it myself. Even if it never gets used and I end up hiring a designer in the end.

Wasn't trying to do it for you, sorry if it looked like I was stepping on toes. It was 3am, I couldn't sleep, doing that sign was just something to do and it worked to explain what I meant by the background.

You've got the right attitude, keep trying to do the design work yourself, even if it's a failure every time. You've got to learn what doesn't work to figure out what does.

Craig Sjoquist

New Member
I like the idea your going after, but think like what Pat posted is more colonial looking and the way you should aim for being it kitchen gallery