shut the computer off...
you are going about it all wrong...
grab a pen and do 6 thumbnail sketches..
I mean it... you wrote in that other thread that you meant to learn instead of brokering design work... yet a year ago, after many of us gave you numerous ideas on numerous posts... you said you give up & just want to leave it to the real designers...
...if you have changed your intentions, and now you really want to learn, then I hope you take the advice you are given... if you draw 6 concept sketches & post them, I will draw 6... if you don't, I will stay out of the way on your future help-me posts...
don't start computing before you have a concept... your layout is so weak, you could have posted a 30 second doodle on a post it note & received a unanimous "start-over" ...instead you spent more time on the computer than you should need for 6 sketches....
remember, the idea of a sketch is NOT to look good... so don't worry if you can draw... just try square layouts, round ones... ovals... use banners or ribbons.. use panels... rule lines... just think up some variations, and play with prioritizing copy... with 6, you will almost always get one or two that are vastly more appropriate or functional than the others.. then you could make 6 versions of that one (or two) concept(s)...
then you can think about color and fonts... once you have a decent layout concept...
another reason this is a good idea, is because you can do this in 5 minutes in front of your client, and get them to help pick one... then by the time they leave, they are "on board" with what you also think is the one worth spending time on, and you can usually spend more time on the first go-round, when the concept is already sort of approved.