I know many like to bash work by newer sign makers and I know you all had fun bashing the paintbrush, but I don't think Deaton would like hearing these responses about his drawing.
Ooooo,we supposed to be scared?
So scared....lol. I could care less if it was the work of God, it didn't flow with the design. And FYI, I knew instantly it was a Deaton design
So...with that said. LOSE THE BRUSHES. You....are....not....a...signpainter. You have a signshop. Sure. But unless the brush is really your selling point, it will do nothing for your business. You realize in this day and age a lot of people don't even know, that signs used to be all hand painted? They don't know...they don't care.
Your job in creating a logo is to convey a message. What does a brush convey....
Is it the right message for your business?
What IS your specialty/ selling point? Price, design, speed, availability, mobility, creativity...etc?
Pick what you are KNOWN for, and run with it. THEN, start designing a logo.