Since you have Aspire you and i are in the same boat (love the program, the abilities and the price).
I have been a self taught on the side playing with 3D design guy for a long time never really got seriouse. Well I am like you I see a big demand and the price tags to go with it and I have some of the know how.
Modeling is and always will be the hardest part and will keep many people out of this arena.
Look into Z Brush its a bit different than most of the other modeling programs Also check out C4D I really like C4D I feel it and Z Brush are a lot more user friendlly than 3D Studio max or Maya or Rhino and on and on and on.
Not sure if you can get demos (most likely you can) then check out the tutorials on youtube there are some really good tuts for beginners and some that take you from nothing to all out animated objects and characters.
Hope to see you right next to me listed as some of the best 3D sign guys around. (maybe someday)