my Multicam has run 5 days a week for the last 2 weeks, but it has hardly ever run that much before in the last 2-1/2 years of depressed economy... but the machine has every reason to last 20 years... and i can grow into it... most of what I've done in the infancy of learning the machine could have been done on a shopbot... but this may not always be true...
One of the coolest things I've routed so far is this model of the island of Maui.
Just today my friend who makes molds stopped by to report that the supplies are in for making a mold of this piece:
(once that first mold is done, & I do a resin cast, painted to look like bronze... then I will need to rout the rest of the Hawaiian Islands.. and then maybe rout them all a different size too, for selling the faux bronze castings to local tourist shops... BUT also selling the one off Koa masterpieces to adorn the homes of some of Maui's many millionaires or celebrities...
I guess my point is that when you buy a machine that can last as long as a Multicam, you need to think about how you will be using it in 5 to 10 years... don't be limited by how you will use it when you don't know a thing about it...