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Luma brite


New Member
The owner stopped by my shop on the way from Chicago. Mind you I was working on 4 semi trailers inside my shop as well as a wrap and was told I was too small for this stuff. So he can kiss my A** for all I care. Yeah I don't have the money to throw away


New Member
LOL too small hu? What how jobke how companies, some VERY big turn down affiliates. I've noticed this online for the past several years. Gee 2 guys had a conference call with me and had no problem asking for approx 10k for the privilege of ordering the kits. I wonder if I had paid them if they found out that I was too small... would they return the money?


New Member
lighted vehicle wrap

We're a certified Luma Brite partner. Went down for training in April. As long as this stuff is kept clean and fairly simple looking then it looks awesome. We've received great response and attention from the product and outfitted a fleet for a designated driving company here in Ontario Canada. Matt black vinyl wrap with white lighting:rock-n-roll:

You can see the video we made briefly here -->


We're going to be launching a large marketing campaign for this stuff over the next couple months.


showcase 66

New Member
That stuff is cool. I saw it at the roland display yesterday. Only problem I would have around here is actually getting people willing to pay for it.
The thing I wonder the most being in Cali is, how legal is it?

You can't even put halo lighting underneath a car let alone flashing advertising on the side of a car which I'm sure is looked at as "distracting"

Have to love California! Our government wonders why big business won't open up here.

Seven Sin Design

New Member
The video proves how much attention it can get. And at night to boot!

Very cool. I do wonder about the legality of these lights on the vehicles though. Does anybody know if this is fair game anywhere, or varies from state to state?


New Member
The video proves how much attention it can get. And at night to boot!

Very cool. I do wonder about the legality of these lights on the vehicles though. Does anybody know if this is fair game anywhere, or varies from state to state?

It seems to vary state to state... some don't allow any of it and some allow it as long as it doesn't mimic an emergency vehicle. The way I understand it by us is it can be used as long as it isn't flashing and certain colors used on police, fire and bamulances aren't used.



Active Member
cool stuff, but doubtful you have to go through them to get into it.

and its only illegal to drive with them on, and no holes needed if you're clever with layouts... ribbon cables slip easily into seams of door panels/wheel wells.


New Member
They us EL sheets, but do you use translucent stickers just to get the light through the vinyl sticker out?

John L

New Member
I really like it for a parked, static display, convention, grand opening, etc. Pretty cool stuff.

If you listen close, you can here the squeak of the pens busily writing all the new laws - so much for driving down the road like that. Maybe the company asking 10K to set you up, is trying to set you up?

System Error

New Member
We're a certified Luma Brite partner. Went down for training in April. As long as this stuff is kept clean and fairly simple looking then it looks awesome. We've received great response and attention from the product and outfitted a fleet for a designated driving company here in Ontario Canada. Matt black vinyl wrap with white lighting:rock-n-roll:

You can see the video we made briefly here -->


We're going to be launching a large marketing campaign for this stuff over the next couple months.


If you become a certified supplier, do you make the wraps in house with the technology or does lumabright make it and send to you?


New Member
I had a guy stop in the other day wanting me to become a dealer, the first and only in Colorado. It seems like a good investment to find a nitch in. If you're a dealer you can install at your shop. You get training and "dealer" prices on the stuff. If you're not you have to take it to someone who is a dealer to install it. The stuff ranges from $85 a SQFT to $120 a SQFT. and you don't have to drill holes in the doors if you don't want to . It just makes installs easier. The initial start out dealer cost is 6k a year and 3k every year after that. I'm prob. going to pass on it. i have no idea how to market this thing and who will pay for it.