well, let's check my cliff notes... um, Fayt posted that he would be wrapping a ceiling about 12' x 30' or so... and it was going to take him 4 hours to install... and had anyone in the world ever done anything that badass... well, I'm editorializing a bit here... but that seemed to be about how it came off & someone asked if he posted to ask a question, or just so we would say we felt bad for him... I'm not sure if that was ever really cleared up or not, but a few old timers like well.. um *cough iSign cough* you know the usual suspects... they gave him enough rope you could say... and then I went back to work.. so not really sure what I missed... but then I saw this and finally recognized a human being under all that bluster... probably my sons age too... so hopefully he grows a thicker skin, fits in, and learns to learn from the best & the worst of us... like Flame did (sorry Flame, but you matured so much here, you're always gonna be the poster child for a crash&burn n00b pulling up & finally taking the high road at light speed!)