Oh for crying out ******** loud in the *******dark!!! Who gives a ******* rats ass! I sure don't give a flying **** about that **** or her problems with that whacked out ********** that fathered her ******* child!!! He needs a ******* 2x4 up-side the head and she needs a ******-******* brain!!! Geezus, What a *******bunch of over *******- played bull ****!!!! That is all that has been on the *******radio for a ******-******* week! I can't take any ******* more, I don't want any *******more of it, You hear me you ******* ****??? If not, I've got enough energy to *******drive over there and****************************** (Humgh,humgh,huhg, hungm)
I think he's pretty much finished in Hollywood or just about anyplace else. If not, he should be. He certainly is in my book. Serves that ****** right, and her too! But, who gives a ****?