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Mimaki UJF-3042 restoration


New Member
Getting the pump head plate assembly out wasn't particularly easy, the capping section had to be unscrewed to make it easier (had to come apart anyway for cleaning)

View attachment 172390

Separated the pump heads, and flushed through the peristaltic tube sections with ethyl acetate just to clean up a bit so don't get ink everywhere when removing the barbed connectors to replace the tubing!
View attachment 172391

The piece of tubing laying loose at the bottom and extricated earlier for measurement of replacement hose (Platinum Cured Silicone, 3.2mm ID, 6.4mm OD was ordered) has a nice split in it:
View attachment 172392

The caps (cleaned a little) and capping assembly separated for attempted repair of the top plastic plate... They appear to be in pretty good shape. will clean the springs and apply a little grease on reassembly.
View attachment 172393

The top plate that's split in several places, going to attempt gluing it first (after decontamination!), as it's not difficult to get out again if a more durable repair is needed.
View attachment 172394

I wonder if the plastic here has been weakened/attacked/made brittle by cleaning solvents or possibly ink itself along with the spring pressure (interestingly the dark grey paint coating on the printer inside panels peels off a bit in places too where ink has sat presumably for years).

to be continued...
You can buy these covers for 3$ at IDS heres the link https://www.digitalprintsupplies.com/collections/mimaki-ujf-3042?page=2


New Member
Hello all, I am new to this forum. So, maybe someone might have an answer to my question.
I have a Mimaki UJF-3042 and it says Error 12e. The manual says that it needs firmware update.
Does anyone have a copy of firmware?

Also, I have a second 3042 which was printing perfect when my tech support fixed the issue. The freight company bounced it around (rough handled) it and now it will not run. I fixed one issue (belt attachment fell off in transit), but now it has a boot up error.

Any direction might be helpful.