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My special offer for Dec 2 thru Dec 8, 2020 “Listen Better”

Robert Armerding

Listen Sharp
Free bonus. Just this morning, I learned a new awesomely simple tactic and I want to pass it on to you.
  • Whenever you start a new conversation, take out your pad of paper and pen, and in the upper right-hand corner, write the word listen.
Reminder. As a merchant member, I am allowed to have one special offer per week, so here it is.

Training your ear to be swift.
  • $49 one time fee for as many five-minute to fifteen-minute sessions as you need to master four awesomely simple questions.
  • I will be your practice partner.
  • And, if you don’t see a huge improvement in your listening skills, you owe nothing.
Robert Armerding
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Premium Subscriber
Ya oughta mosey on into the thread titled, Boudica. There's a whole lotta listening going on in there !!!

Johnny Best

Active Member
I'm ready!

White Haus

Not a Newbie
Free bonus. Just this morning, I learned a new awesomely simple tactic and I want to pass it on to you.
  • Whenever you start a new conversation, take out your pad of paper and pen, and in the upper right-hand corner, write the word listen.
Reminder. As a merchant member, I am allowed to have one special offer per week, so here it is.
Training your ear to be swift.
  • $49 one time fee for as many five-minute to fifteen-minute sessions as you need to master four awesomely simple questions.
  • I will be your practice partner.
  • And, if you don’t see a huge improvement in your listening skills, you own nothing.
Robert Armerding

Seems to be the theme of the year, doesn't it?

Robert Armerding

Listen Sharp
First things first. Thank you to all of you who have read this thread. I appreciate that you took some of your valuable time to consider what this is all about. And, for those who have had some fun with it, glad you had something to enjoy in these difficult times.

Now, here is the business outcome.
Listen better and you will make more money.

And, everything on your way to making more money will improve. It all starts with how much you listen better. That is the first step. Yes, there are other steps, but if your listening skill does not improve, all those other steps will be much more difficult. Make it easy on yourself, Listen better.


Very Active Signmaker
First things first. Thank you to all of you who have read this thread. I appreciate that you took some of your valuable time to consider what this is all about. And, for those who have had some fun with it, glad you had something to enjoy in these difficult times.

Now, here is the business outcome.
Listen better and you will make more money.

And, everything on your way to making more money will improve. It all starts with how much you listen better. That is the first step. Yes, there are other steps, but if your listening skill does not improve, all those other steps will be much more difficult. Make it easy on yourself, Listen better.

If I would of listened to people, I wouldn't be an entrepreneur. Fuck listening to people


Premium Subscriber
I believe most people feel that way. When I told my family and friends I was gonna go out on my own and start a business, they all told me not to. They all made a lotta sense and had great points, but I knew better and refused to listen. A year into it, they all said, what are ya gonna do when you run outta friends and relatives to buy signs ?? Well, here we are..... 49 years later and other than this pandemic covid19 stuff, it's still going nicely. A little slim lately because of uncontrollable things, but that's been there, at me since I started. Ya just move/push on.


Arial - it's almost helvetica
You just have to choose what you do with the information you receive but listen to it all. Wise people understand the stress that starting a business puts on people, families and relationships which may be the root of their advice. It's not always about money.
My parents all told me not to do it and my business was a dumb idea. 2 years into it my wife joined in because it was losing money. I almost went out and got a night job to appease her. It finally turned the corner but I'm lucky that she did not divorce me yet.


Premium Subscriber
You just have to choose what you do with the information you receive but listen to it all. Wise people understand the stress that starting a business puts on people, families and relationships which may be the root of their advice. It's not always about money.
My parents all told me not to do it and my business was a dumb idea. 2 years into it my wife joined in because it was losing money. I almost went out and got a night job to appease her. It finally turned the corner but I'm lucky that she did not divorce me yet.

Now, just listen to yourself. Mind you, this is all about listening and what you choose to do with said gained knowledge.

You said you're lucky she didn't divorce you, yet, but have you ever thought about how she feels ?? Does she feel lucky she's still married to you and didn't have the guts to bag your a$$ ?? Does she feel stuck..... in a rut ?? C'mon man, there's always a second side to the story. :eek:


I'm here for Educational Purposes
We do know she doesn't like it when he whistles the theme song to Inspector Gadget.... :rolleyes:


Arial - it's almost helvetica
We do know she doesn't like it when he whistles the theme song to Inspector Gadget.... :rolleyes:
I was trying to serenade her with my whistling but she just doesn't appreciate the raw talent. Gino, she is far from lucky but if you rub my belly I will whistle a song for you too