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I'm here for Educational Purposes
We have tv's in separate rooms. When watching in the same room... I don't get to touch the remote - he holds on to it ALL THE TIME. it's hilarious. Some times I find him asleep on the couch - remote is still in hand.


Very Active Signmaker
Yeah, it goes both ways, I'm sure. My listening skills have been getting better over the years. At night, I like the television on to loll me to sleep. My wife conks out rather easily and I hafta turn the volume wa-a-a-ay down, so it doesn't disturb her, so I really listen very intently. I can now practically read lips. However, we just switched carriers last week and the new one has blue-tooth available, so all I need to do is get a headset and she won't hear a thing and I can go to sleep quietly. Now, I hafta figure out how to stop the flashing of the television screen bouncing around on the dark walls at night. Now that bothers her. Always something, but I listen to her lists of dos and don'ts. I'm a real good listener. Been in training a long long time.

Sleep in separate rooms.... Ive been doing that for 6 years and can't imagine going back...


New Member
Sometimes I have no clue what my wife is rattling on about because of her strong Chinese accent or says words incorrectly, so I just pretty much agree with her.

Stacey K

I like making signs
A customer just came in. She used up her 20 seconds, 20 MINUTES and her 45 MINUTES. All I know is she's a teacher at the high school and she had "an hour to burn so she decided to come by me" ??? I don't even know her! After 5 minutes, I started back to work on some shirts and told her she could look around but I have to keep working. She continued to talk to me, to herself and to the wall. She showed me her wallet and purse that had holes in them, asked me if I knew any horse people, tell me she's the yearbook lady, and countless other mindless things. She said she would be back later with her son to buy a hat. I'M SERIOUSLY CONSIDERING MOVING MY VAN TO THE OTHER SIDE OF THE BLOCK.

My GOD, is this what us women sound like sometimes???? LOL


Very Active Signmaker
A customer just came in. She used up her 20 seconds, 20 MINUTES and her 45 MINUTES. All I know is she's a teacher at the high school and she had "an hour to burn so she decided to come by me" ??? I don't even know her! After 5 minutes, I started back to work on some shirts and told her she could look around but I have to keep working. She continued to talk to me, to herself and to the wall. She showed me her wallet and purse that had holes in them, asked me if I knew any horse people, tell me she's the yearbook lady, and countless other mindless things. She said she would be back later with her son to buy a hat. I'M SERIOUSLY CONSIDERING MOVING MY VAN TO THE OTHER SIDE OF THE BLOCK.

My GOD, is this what us women sound like sometimes???? LOL



Premium Subscriber
A customer just came in. She used up her 20 seconds, 20 MINUTES and her 45 MINUTES. All I know is she's a teacher at the high school and she had "an hour to burn so she decided to come by me" ??? I don't even know her! After 5 minutes, I started back to work on some shirts and told her she could look around but I have to keep working. She continued to talk to me, to herself and to the wall. She showed me her wallet and purse that had holes in them, asked me if I knew any horse people, tell me she's the yearbook lady, and countless other mindless things. She said she would be back later with her son to buy a hat. I'M SERIOUSLY CONSIDERING MOVING MY VAN TO THE OTHER SIDE OF THE BLOCK.

My GOD, is this what us women sound like sometimes???? LOL

Ahhh, but that's not the real question. You evidently were listening, as you could repeat 2 minutes worth of her 60 minute conversation. That's saying a lot, no matter where it's coming from.

Stacey K

I like making signs
Ahhh, but that's not the real question. You evidently were listening, as you could repeat 2 minutes worth of her 60 minute conversation. That's saying a lot, no matter where it's coming from.
Yup, good point...I guess I answered my own question :D LMAO!!!


Arial - it's almost helvetica
A customer just came in. She used up her 20 seconds, 20 MINUTES and her 45 MINUTES. All I know is she's a teacher at the high school and she had "an hour to burn so she decided to come by me" ??? I don't even know her! After 5 minutes, I started back to work on some shirts and told her she could look around but I have to keep working. She continued to talk to me, to herself and to the wall. She showed me her wallet and purse that had holes in them, asked me if I knew any horse people, tell me she's the yearbook lady, and countless other mindless things. She said she would be back later with her son to buy a hat. I'M SERIOUSLY CONSIDERING MOVING MY VAN TO THE OTHER SIDE OF THE BLOCK.

My GOD, is this what us women sound like sometimes???? LOL
That's because her husband won't let her talk at home


Premium Subscriber
Now I'm lost. All Stacey said was... she referred to a customer as a she. So, I take it it was one of the two original human genders. The female part. Nowhere did I get a hint of anyone getting their transgender card out, waving it around, but she did do it with her scrapbook or whatever it was and her purse. So, you wanna come here and confuse the sh!t outta an old man with using his, her and who knows what else to muddy the waters. This place rarely makes sense, so as it is, no need to help these dingalings out...................... had you said, it's husband or called the individual by name, we'd have a fightin' chance..... sheesh.


I'm here for Educational Purposes
You asked Notta what made him think she had a husband, and I was saying that she was his (Notta's) wife. It was supposed to be funny, but I was too brief and failed.


Premium Subscriber
You asked Notta what made him think she had a husband, and I was saying that she was his (Notta's) wife. It was supposed to be funny, but I was too brief and failed.

See........ here's the really sad part. This thread is about listening and it's been proven listening doesn't work... over and over again Look at you and me. We're the only two in this conversation at the moment and we're still screwing it all the f*ck up. And we're not speaking. We're typing. See, it proves my old theory..... ya can listen all ya want, but it's the comprehension part that counts. Ohhhh but this hurts.

Stacey K

I like making signs
For the record, she has a husband and one kid in college and a sophomore. She also has horses and by the looks of the hair, I mean shirt, she was wearing, she has a very hairy dog. Her purse was maroon, wallet was pink, both were dirty with lots of metal stud things. Hair was brown and stringy with streaks of grey, no makeup, hood up and mask on.

I could go on but I don't want to exceed my 20 seconds....