... and the versacamm cannot cut directly from Corel.
Actually, the SP-300 prints and cuts quite nicely DIRECTLY from CorelDRAW X3 using the Roland-supplied Windows driver. I use it all the time for quick, smaller jobs that don't need to be RIP'd. A bonus that I find on my set up doing it this way, is that the output colour more closely matches the monitor.
My tech had initially set up my system and neither he nor I could ever get it to function with the Windows driver. However, going through my install CDs one day a while back, I came across the drivers and wondered why Roland would go through so much trouble to produce them if they didn't work. So I set out on the quest to make it so. The "trick" that I "found" was that I first had to uninstall the driver install that he initially made. Then, going step-by-step AND IN SEQUENCE following the supplied Install Instructions, lo and behold, it worked!

The "key" appears to be the order in which the driver is installed on the computer and WHEN the USB cable is hooked up to the SP-300 AND!!!! ...THIS IS CRUCIAL ... WHICH END is connected when! In other words, I had to have the cable hooked up to the SP-300 and THEN, WHEN PROMPTED, connect the OTHER END to the computer. Doing it the other way around (cable to SP-300 last) didn't work! Go figure! Ya gotta luv USB!

But it works just fine and dandy...and comes in handy

((and to beat everyone else...yes, I am a poet and do not know it