Answers and clarifications on 'Find my Font'
Hello to all the type enthusiasts in this forum.
First of all I would like to introduce myself. My name is Harris Kisseoglou and I'm the operations manager for Softonium developments. I was heavily involved in signmaking software in the past. A few of you might have heard of AlphaSign. I was the team leader behind that signmaking software project. Started around 1987, back in the DOS days and continued until recently.
One of the biggest questions signmakers and graphic designers faced for many years was related to font identification.
I used to have all these fonts on my computer and no way to identify which one was the one my client needed. He would bring a photo and point to the font he liked. My thought would be: 'I know I have this font... but which on is it?' Then I would open a font manager and try to find it by scrolling through my fonts until my eye matched the requested font. Needless to say, after a couple of hundred fonts I was getting dizzy.
I know many of you know exactly what I'm talking about.
A few years back WTF came out. I was a gift from heaven. It would identify the font in a few seconds and then tried to sell it to me.
But wait... what if I already have the font? What if I have a similar one and don't need to buy it again? What about free fonts?
Enough with my personal introduction (I think I got a bit carried away

We started the development of
Find my Font a few years back in order to cover the aforementioned shortcomings and needs.
Find my Font identifies the fonts in digital images and it does so by going through the fonts on your computer.
After many improvements I am proud to say that we have developed an extremely fast engine that will scan thousands of fonts on your computer and give you results within a couple of seconds.
Right now only TTF and OTF font formats are supported (the most common ones). After Fred's suggestion (thank you) and several internal discussions we decided to add Type 1 (Postscript) support too. It has been completed and we're in beta testing now. The next version (2.3.02) will include Type 1 support for both Windows and OS X (including suitcases).
We do realize the need for identifying fonts that you don't have on your computer.
That's why we're working on the next major release that will include a font identification Database. That's all the information I can disclose on the topic right now.
The latest version (2.3.00) contains also a font browser. Why did we include it in the application? Well many times someone would ask "Do you have the xxxxx font ?" Find my Font is
an application that knows all the fonts on your computer and certainly can answer that question. So we created the font browser... but we added a twist to it. It will not only tell you if you have that font, but it will also tell you what other fonts you have that look like it. Since a video is worth more than a thousand words please see the font browsing video for more information.
Many of you mentioned that the 2000 font limit is a problem. Please explain how you will use a font browser. Let's say you have 20,000 fonts (BTW, we have clients with 10 times that). Are you going to scroll through all your fonts to try and find one for your design? Probably not. You have to reduce your list in order to do that. So typing the word bold will show you in the browser all fonts that have bold weight. Your list of fonts will probably be reduced to around 5,000. Now type also the word italic and your list is not more than 1200 fonts. Now you can scroll through the list and find what you're looking for.
Type the word condensed and see all the fonts that have that word in their face name.
But why do you need a 2000 limit? Why not let it show all fonts?
Well, if you have more than 20,000 fonts the list gets too long. Sorting it, displaying it and generally manipulating it may become slow on some computers. That's why we imposed a limit. We were thinking of having a configurable parameter for the limit, but it would add more complexity.
Give me your opinions. If you feel we really need to increase the limit, we'll look into it.
I see this post is getting too long, so I better stop now 
I would like to thank you all for your thoughts and comments on Find my Font.
I assure you that any comment or suggestion will be taken into serious consideration. Please let me know your thoughts.
Thank you for your time,
Harris Kisseoglou
Operations Manager