RoccoG is right. I spoke off the top of my head without researching.
Greenlee does not make a draw-bolt type D-punch this big. All their big punches are round (like for conduit). My D-punch is larger than any of the Greenlee D-punches and has no markings on it at all. I assumed it was a Greenlee. Now that I look at it, I have no idea where it came from. It may be that Greenlee made them this big at one time, but they list only three sizes of D-punch now, all smaller.
My punch is probably close to 30 years old. I thought I got it from Glantz, and when I talked to a Glantz rep today he thought they sold one like it at one time, the kind with the threaded draw bolt, but not now. He also said they no longer show Greenlee as a vendor.
His price sheet does show a D-punch, but it is not listed in the catalog. He said it is the SignComp punch. They don't stock it, but they can order it in from SignComp.
It's pricey but it would last your lifetime.
It's simple to use. You drill a pilot hole and then hit the punch with a hammer.
Here's a link:
D-Punch Assembly Results Page 1 :: Wensco Sign Supply
I would think that any competent toolmaker could build a draw-bolt type D-punch for lampholder holes that could be adapted to cordless battery power.
This is a video of the Greenlee Speed Punch system, showing how quickly it can punch holes in sheet metal. If a D-punch were adapted to this tool it would be useful for sign building.