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not too happy with Paypal


New Member
As someone who has taken 1,000s of PayPal payments over the years I am a big fan.....And see no way to conduct my business without it....Sorry to hear your problem Eric....I know these days every little job adds up.....


New Member
Keep us posted Eric. Stick to your guns, and remember; The squeakiest wheel gets the grease.

The Vector Doctor

Chief Bezier Manipulator
Don't get me wrong, for the most part I am happy and I imagine I would lose some customers not having this as an option. 99.9% of my customers are trustworthy. The fact that my goods are intangible could be the biggest problem.

It would be nice if there was another process that is to both parties' advantage. Had I got an email from paypal saying the buyer disputed it and gave me the option to respond that would have helped. Instead, the money is just immediately removed from my account, no questions asked. The current setup allows them to do it automatically.

The customer never indicated dissatisfaction. In fact they praised the conversion


New Member
Maybe a kid using moms CC, an angry X-wife, or maybe a fraud alert tripped. Maybe someone got their statement and forgot who made the purchase. Would still mail an invoice, in the unlikely, but possible event which the customer is not aware of the charge-back.

Steve C.

New Member
The customer never indicated dissatisfaction. In fact they praised the conversion

If you have that in an email you can use it to your advantage.
That was one of the things that help me in one of my disputes. They emailed
me saying they had received it and where pleased.

The Vector Doctor

Chief Bezier Manipulator
I did not keep that email and purged my deleted folder. Once a job is done and the customer gives the final ok I did not think that it warranted keeping

Fortunately it is not a large sum, but it will make me think twice if there is every a high dollar transaction since I have no protection


New Member

Heres what you do. First inform paypal that you are going to contact your bank about an unauthorized transaction and that should get you to a person that can make a decision with out putting you on hold. Try to this by phone. if you are getting a bunch of "canned answers" or " I am so sorry" Call or visit your bank and file a unauthorized transaction. This will only work if you had your money in your bank account and not in your paypal account.... REMEMBER AS SOON AS YOU GET PAID ALWAYS TRANSFER YOUR PAY PAL MONEY TO YOUR BANK ACCOUNT`this way you have control of your money .... hope this helps Jamie

The Vector Doctor

Chief Bezier Manipulator
Heres what you do. First inform paypal that you are going to contact your bank about an unauthorized transaction and that should get you to a person that can make a decision with out putting you on hold. Try to this by phone. if you are getting a bunch of "canned answers" or " I am so sorry" Call or visit your bank and file a unauthorized transaction. This will only work if you had your money in your bank account and not in your paypal account.... REMEMBER AS SOON AS YOU GET PAID ALWAYS TRANSFER YOUR PAY PAL MONEY TO YOUR BANK ACCOUNT`this way you have control of your money .... hope this helps Jamie

That won't work. They will just give you a negative balance

The Vector Doctor

Chief Bezier Manipulator
thanks to Mac time machine I was able to recover the deleted email


  • email.jpg
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New Member
Are most of your customers full time sign shops (or related business)?
Or are most of them fly-by-nighter's?

I realize that at .1% it's not worth upsetting your regular customers to stop using it entirely, but you may want to consider a policy of NO PayPal over a certain dollar value just to reduce your risk.

Edit: Good going on the recovered email!


New Member
It does work I have used this method before you may have to open up another pay pal account and leave the other one with a negative balance. Its worth a shot and paypal seems to be intimidated when you start talking about going to your card holders bank. Give it a shot .... Jamie

The Vector Doctor

Chief Bezier Manipulator
Well that is not how paypal works. My bank is not involved in the paypal transaction. Paypal acts as the bank until you transfer your money into your own account. They did not reverse the money out of my bank account but rather out of the paypal account. It is not in my account until I transfer funds. If I left $2 in there and they reverse $17, I will have a -$15 balance and they will require a payment of some sort to get that back. I am not in this to screw paypal but I think their policy is imperfect

I am posting this more as a learning experience for others out there that may run into the same situation. I will continue to offer paypal as an option since it rarely a problem. My average transaction amount is low. Maybe I will consider other options for high dollar jobs


New Member
Glad to here you got the E-mail back, now lets hope you can get the payment due to you for your service!

The Vector Doctor

Chief Bezier Manipulator
Now you can email the customer directly and ask if they reversed the charges !

I have the email, but no other way of contacting them. I usually ask for business info (phone, address, etc) but forgot on this one. Again, if someone is intending on taking advantage of you through paypal then they will not give you valid contact info either

this individual has been emailed several times asking for clarification and demand for payment with no results