We used Postershop 22 for 2 years with good results. Upgraded in January. We're having so many problems with Thrive 24 it's completely ridiculous. We use Onyx RIP to send print files to our Epsons and Cut files to Go Produce.
1. Onyx was adding the random, duplicate reg marks and we couldn't finish cutting. Summa helped with a work-around.
2. Cut server will not accept the material profiles from Go Produce.
3. Cut sever will not send SGP files to Go Produce.
4. Onyx will not send the proper type of cut profile (ie kiss-cut is sent as thru cut, thru cut is sent as draw etc) Due to this issue we are unable to use the barcode scanning feature.
I was told these are all known issues but not given a work around or date on when to expect these to be fixed.
Beyond frustrated.