Nick Kraushaar
New Member
Hey everybody. I just had a question about an Onyx issue we have been having for a while now at our shop. So we run have one Onyx key, and are allowed to run three computers on the key. We run six machines off of the three computers. Two on each. The issue we have been having is when we are running out Latex 570 printers. If one is printing and it gets between a quarter and half of the print, and we go to press print on the other 570, it will crash Onyx which will result in print failure and machine failure. So we basically have to make sure we press print near the same time on both machines or else we have to wait for one to be finished in order to start the other. It also appears that if Onyx crashes for any reason while any one of the printers is printing, it will crash the printer and end up in another print failure. So we often try to refrain from ripping anything large or else we can crash an already brittle program. Any help would be great. Thank you.