I dont really like that font either, but it could possibly be made to work.
Heres an idea I came up with.
I dont really like that font either, but it could possibly be made to work.
Heres an idea I came up with.
That is really good. I like that.
How much?
I would not presume to suggest what Mr. Deaton should charge you {if anything}for what he posted here, But you could very easily man up and contact John privately and come to some mutually agreeable payment for his professional services.
I have had the pleasure of John doing an illustration for me in the past, and his services as well as the quality of the finished work will serve you well to propel your company into the public's perception at a level well above the postings you brought to this thread.
The real question will be whether your services to your customers can carry the quality and character that a well designed logo portrays?
I, having followed your postings on Signs101 in the last year, wonder whether as a "broker", selling other peoples products and services under your company name, have the talent, and or the reserve to live up to a well designed logo that represents professionalism, to an unsuspecting clientele? I use the term "unsuspecting" because you strike me as somewhat like the Wizard of Oz, a thundering voice veiled from the view of those who might look beyond the curtain and see who really is Adtechia LLC?
Just wondering.
I have to leave the Name the way it is. The font I used there is Abtecia which inspired our name.
The lower left corner is supposed to represent our bulk mail division better than the (unknowing illegal use of) USPS eagle I had before.
I would not presume to suggest what Mr. Deaton should charge you {if anything}for what he posted here, But you could very easily man up and contact John privately and come to some mutually agreeable payment for his professional services.
I have had the pleasure of John doing an illustration for me in the past, and his services as well as the quality of the finished work will serve you well to propel your company into the public's perception at a level well above the postings you brought to this thread.
The real question will be whether your services to your customers can carry the quality and character that a well designed logo portrays?
I, having followed your postings on Signs101 in the last year, wonder whether as a "broker", selling other peoples products and services under your company name, have the talent, and or the reserve to live up to a well designed logo that represents professionalism, to an unsuspecting clientele? I use the term "unsuspecting" because you strike me as somewhat like the Wizard of Oz, a thundering voice veiled from the view of those who might look beyond the curtain and see who really is Adtechia LLC?
Just wondering.
I think you are lying here. Since this was first called out you said you did not know that you were using this illegally. How is it then that you "just happened" to use a USPS eagle for your mailing division?
If you just wanted an eagle in your logo and picked another one I would not suspect anything. But you mentioned that this part of the logo represents your mail division. Yet of all the 100s or 1000s of eagle images that exist as clipart or logos you unknowingly picked the USPS eagle?
And in another thread you said that your computer had a virus and was sending out emails to the signs101 forum answering questions. That is one smart and friendly virus or worm
Can you not understand why everyone has little or no respect for you? i think you should stick to being a broker and not a designer. I looked at your facebook page and the photos/logos section. You even used your logo/crest background/clipart for another logo... maybe for a bar or something? Unless this is a personal project don't recycle your logo to create a logo for someone. Most of your designs seem to be nothing more than taking parts from other images/logos and reusing them for yourself
Just like people come to you for printing, you should hire a professional. Right now your old logo and new logo are very amateurish and resemble a grade school project at best
So very true. You said it in a manner that I probably would've blown both barrels on this 'Broker'. :Oops: I almost used a 'J'
I'd sooner believe he posted his feeble attempt in hopes that someone would cough up some free drawings and then he’d make an offer to pay for them. This is the same guy that when asked to pay a certain amount for something refused and got into an argument over what artwork is really worth.
This is exactly why I didn't post any actual suggestions.I'd sooner believe he posted his feeble attempt in hopes that someone would cough up some free drawings and then he’d make an offer to pay for them.
This is exactly why I didn't post any actual suggestions.
I hope John did make some money for being nice enough to help.
Ad, as someone that's not a designer (me), I've been in your shoes. I have spent hours and hours and hours playing with logos, trying to come up with something I am happy with and proud that I did. It's not easy, but it's a learning process, and while I could pay someone for a logo and be done with it, what would I have learned from the process? Not as much as I'd like.
I'd encourage you to continue and know that it's not "time wasted" by any means. Time learning your craft is always time well spent, in my opinion.
Having said that, I think John did a really nice job. I think you can be proud of that logo.
Will it win 1st place in a sign magazine? Probably not. Does it look professional? I think so!
Just my opinion.
sitting watching football and was bored, could not help myself, used his bad artwork icons
that's great..
hopefully it's only halftime & now you can put a little windows style recycle bin & have that old crap fluttering in there & you will really have a winner!