PM John Like I did. We worked out a price. I have not paid for it as of yet. I have also not used the logo he designed or any part of it. I won't till I finish paying for it.
I have been using this logo. For better or worse. I attempted to do something different it didn't work. Oh, Well. I had some fun learning some new techniques. It didn't pan out this time but the skills I learned may come in handy down the road.
Now John was able to offer me up a much better looking logo. In a direction I would have never come up with in the next year of just staring at my screen. He offered it to me at a price I felt was fair. Considering the time spent on the previous logo that didn't work out. I have chosen to work on purchasing that logo. So I can move away from this whole logo thing and get back to focusing on my business.
Gino, I don't know what the hell your rambling about. I couldn't even make sense of it. You and others keep going on and on about some worm?? WTF are you guys talking about?? Do you even know??
I really think you losers sit around all day just trashing me because your lives must be so miserable with your downsizing operations that you take out your shame of your wasted lives on me. Well, have fun with that.
Frankly, if you don't like me or my posts hit ignore or put a bullet in your heads. Either option is better than listening any further of your whining, high school level BS. So why don't you all try to Grow a pair and MAN UP or SHUT UP!!
Blah..... Blah..... Blah..... Blah..... Blah..... Blah..... Blah..... Blah..... Blah..... Blah..... and more Blah.....
Addie, have you gotten so used to your own lying that you don't even know you're doing it anymore ??
Think about us losers all you want, it won't compare nearly as much as the picture I have of you... checking out everyone's website from this site and changing yours accordingly... stealing whatever ideas you can from all these people you call your world and family. Other than today.... I have a more relaxed day, I'm not glued to this monitor like you backpedaling just about every word I write. Don't you ever get tired of telling all of your lies ?? Heck, it's now showing you can't remember your best lies anymore. What's the worm ?? What a crock ?? :ROFLMAO:
Besides, why should I hit the 'ignore' button ?? You're still a lot of fun. No one else takes this kinda abuse and keeps coming back for more. I honestly think the powers above have really allowed you to stay, so we could all have fun with you. You're such a good sport.
Grow a pair of what ?? Pin Oaks.... like you ?? C'mon, we're only having fun with you causin' you're the only one that keeps coming up with more dumb chit.
I hope you gave Mr John a nice bonus, cause anything under $500 is a steal and..... :Oops:I fawgawt, that's what you do best.................