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Our New Logo

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Locals Find!

New Member
If you can't handle critique you really should stay away from design.

Its not the critique I can't handle. I can handle that fine. Its the BS from Certain individuals on here. That aren't critiques just flat out personal attacks. You don't like my design that is fine. Say so. Doesn't give anyone the right for personal attacks though. That is the BS in question that I have had it with.


New Member
you know. i really don't have much to say on the subject... but seriously?! Adtechia... cut your losses and just drop it. I read the posts about how you've already been razed over the past year so it's clear you aren't a newb to the forums and stuff, so why do you keep replying to the threads. Why actually, do you return to the site? What point is there? lol. I am just at a complete loss to understand what motivation you have to be here right now. It's clear you don't make use of any opinions, so do you just post as a troll, to rile people up? if i got the reaction from people that you've generated in the last week... i would just stay away and find a different place. i just don't get it.

Locals Find!

New Member
you know. i really don't have much to say on the subject... but seriously?! Adtechia... cut your losses and just drop it. I read the posts about how you've already been razed over the past year so it's clear you aren't a newb to the forums and stuff, so why do you keep replying to the threads. Why actually, do you return to the site? What point is there? lol. I am just at a complete loss to understand what motivation you have to be here right now. It's clear you don't make use of any opinions, so do you just post as a troll, to rile people up? if i got the reaction from people that you've generated in the last week... i would just stay away and find a different place. i just don't get it.

Because, I have a few people I like on here that have been straight up with me. Offered good advice and allowed me to ask questions and provided answers when I needed some assistance. Those make up for all the Jerkoffs in the mix. Such is life I guess.


New Member
Why not take the advise of others and work on designing your own again? How are you learning anything if you just pay for the first good concept?

At least give it a couple of tries before you throw in the towel, especially if you do this for a living.

And you take things way to personal and must not have ever learned that back talk to elders never has a positive outcome. I haven't been here that long but I know better than to burn bridges, especially with those who could be of great help to you sometime in the future. Or maybe you already know everything about this business?


New Member
On the one hand, Addie, it seems like ( as Isign has talked about in other unrelated posts) you would want to take the advice of others and use it to develop skills of your own.Come back with revised editions, further attempts, and ask for more critique.Take what others advise to enrich yourself, improve your abilities, and then at some future time you would be able to maybe lurk in the background here, fly low and avoid the flack. On the other hand, i think you derive pleasure from stirring the pot.And that is all.

Thanks Rick, it didnt work but I do have that song stuck in my head now thank you very much.

Locals Find!

New Member
On the one hand, Addie, it seems like ( as Isign has talked about in other unrelated posts) you would want to take the advice of others and use it to develop skills of your own.Come back with revised editions, further attempts, and ask for more critique.Take what others advise to enrich yourself, improve your abilities, and then at some future time you would be able to maybe lurk in the background here, fly low and avoid the flack. On the other hand, i think you derive pleasure from stirring the pot.And that is all.

I will definitely keep trying to improve upon my image at a later time.

This is how it lays out at this time. Logo A (original) unknowingly used illegal artwork from some ebay clip art cd. Logo B which you have seen according to popular opinion just doesn't cut the mustard. Logo C from John, very nice piece of work that will not be illegal or disgusting.

Right now I need a logo ASAP. That isn't A. Illegal B. Ugly that leaves C - John's Logo. Now I can get something going get back to work and later change it once again as I improve my own skills. This may take some serious time between running the business and raising 3 kids I rarely get creative time to sit and try and be truly creative. I am not as artistically gifted as others on here. I have to work very very hard at it. That takes serious time and effort on my part. Hopefully sometime in the future I will be able to bring something better to the table design wise on my own.

I wasn't trying to stir the pot today. However, by nature I have a hard time walking a way from a Fight. That wasn't what I was trained to do when I served in the Air Force and its a very hard thing to unlearn. I will keep working on it.


Premium Subscriber
Oh, I get it Addie........

You can dish this chit out and tell me you never e-mailed me, tell me you never said certain things and deny stealing half////// three-quarters of your own stuff, but you take offense when others catch you in the frickin' act and then want others to take pity on you ??

Get a life you whining little bastard. YOU use the ignore button and see how many post backs you get.... if any at all.

You can't handle the critiques either ya little a$$wipe. You haven't used any advice good or bad to date in this thread or any other..... you only took a picture from someone, offered a fair price and then went home. You didn't offer up any progress except some Bullchit cockamamie story of your stupid reasons for using certain things and not others, but eventually went against your own theories when you saw something for free. Offered what you considered a fair price and probably took advantage of Mr John's good nature and professionalism.

Addie, I invite you to do what nate suggested and take a leave of absence like for five years or so and come back when you're gotten a sense of decency about you that spills over to your fellow man.


New Member
If you can't handle people being aggressive trolls you should probably stay off the internet, at least as a source of feedback. If you find yourself taking something personally, walk away for a while, go do something else. Posting angry is like posting drunk, it's never a good idea.


Premium Subscriber
I will definitely keep trying to improve upon my image at a later time.

This is how it lays out at this time. Logo A (original) unknowingly used illegal artwork from some ebay clip art cd. Logo B which you have seen according to popular opinion just doesn't cut the mustard. Logo C from John, very nice piece of work that will not be illegal or disgusting.

Right now I need a logo ASAP. That isn't A. Illegal B. Ugly that leaves C - John's Logo. Now I can get something going get back to work and later change it once again as I improve my own skills. This may take some serious time between running the business and raising 3 kids I rarely get creative time to sit and try and be truly creative. I am not as artistically gifted as others on here. I have to work very very hard at it. That takes serious time and effort on my part. Hopefully sometime in the future I will be able to bring something better to the table design wise on my own.

I wasn't trying to stir the pot today. However, by nature I have a hard time walking a way from a Fight. That wasn't what I was trained to do when I served in the Air Force and its a very hard thing to unlearn. I will keep working on it.

Oh, you just get better and better......... YOUR 'A' and YOUR 'B' aren't what you may use, so Mr John's is all you have to fall back on ?? Talk about growing a pair of balls ?? You got two about the size of frickin' Texas you tree swinging Orangutan. I can hear your balls clanging 1,000 miles away..... up here in PA................


New Member
Ok Addy.
You ask for advice on how to change the logo.
We say. Change the color, font, pictures... well everything
you say.. well i cant change color and font and pictures. Ok so.. What is the point in asking.

In all seriousness your logo looks like aids. Get rid of it. Start over.


New Member
I will definitely keep trying to improve upon my image at a later time.

This is how it lays out at this time. Logo A (original) unknowingly used illegal artwork from some ebay clip art cd. Logo B which you have seen according to popular opinion just doesn't cut the mustard. Logo C from John, very nice piece of work that will not be illegal or disgusting.

Right now I need a logo ASAP. That isn't A. Illegal B. Ugly that leaves C - John's Logo. Now I can get something going get back to work and later change it once again as I improve my own skills. This may take some serious time between running the business and raising 3 kids I rarely get creative time to sit and try and be truly creative. I am not as artistically gifted as others on here. I have to work very very hard at it. That takes serious time and effort on my part. Hopefully sometime in the future I will be able to bring something better to the table design wise on my own.

I wasn't trying to stir the pot today. However, by nature I have a hard time walking a way from a Fight. That wasn't what I was trained to do when I served in the Air Force and its a very hard thing to unlearn. I will keep working on it.

I'm Canadian and even I knew that was the USPS logo.... you definitely can't claim to not know what that logo was.

Joe Diaz

New Member
Before you pay John, take a look at this:

LOL, just joking around. All in good fun.


New Member
Not to be too rude, but this fight battle that some of you have with Adtechia is getting old. I'm sick of seeing any post with the guy in it go right back to the same 3 tired, beat to death subjects.

Get over it. If might be fun for the several of you that won't let it go, but it's old for those of us who are trying to participate in the forum.

Geez, come on. Grow up and let it go. You disagree. Great, got it. You don't like each other. Great, got it. You each think the other is a piece of crap. Great, got it. Does this forum really need to go through this every single day, 3 times a day?

Sorry for the rant, but it's the same thing over and over and over. Post office, emails, and tractors for logos. WE GET IT.

Williams Signs

New Member
Adtechia, you aren't the only one that has taken a beating on here. I myself have taken a lashing before but I still keep pressing forward. I know that through some misguided words the people around here are just trying to help.


Just Me
It's not rude to point out the obvious CES020

I agree and am sorry I contributed by pointing out where the worm thing started. This thread has no meaningful purpose left IMHO...


New Member
...."The font I used there is Abtecia which inspired our name."

That's GOLD! Brilliant idea, using an obscure font that is similar to your business name for one of the most important parts of business, the Brand!

I can't wait to do a logo for a Jewelry designer, I'll use Copperplate! Or a comedian, I'll use Comic Sans! Or a swiss bank...I'll use Geneva!

This is going to save me hours and hours of time, why didn't I think of this years ago.
...."The font I used there is Abtecia which inspired our name."

That's GOLD! Brilliant idea, using an obscure font that is similar to your business name for one of the most important parts of business, the Brand!

I can't wait to do a logo for a Jewelry designer, I'll use Copperplate! Or a comedian, I'll use Comic Sans! Or a swiss bank...I'll use Geneva!

This is going to save me hours and hours of time, why didn't I think of this years ago.
Here's the font for your biz. :wink:



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