Cale Frederick
New Member
Not sure where I should post this... but my question is does anyone get paid or pay their employees to advertise on their personal vehicles? My boss is looking for ways to boost our wrap business and he was curious if any employees would be willing to wrap their cars. Pretty much everyone here either said no or not unless we get some kind of mileage compensation. We have about 25 employees (we have a full offset print shop running along side our large format and we also have a quick print type storefront operation) and I understand that paying a mileage fee for that many people would add up fast. Are there any other shops that do this or something similar? I being the manager of our Large Format side was willing to wrap my car and not worried about mileage compensation. Everyone was offered free reign over what they could put on their vehicle to, only to have maybe one or two small company logos and a phone number/web address.