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Photo Print Question.


New Member
Does anyone use Photo Print DX to design and print to a Roland VersaCamm?

If so, how do you find it?

Does it have a good range of profiles for the VersaCamm?

Any info would be appreciated.

Currently using Signlab 7.0 but this does not work since I upgraded to Max inks for the VersaCamm. Cadlink said the profiles only work with 7.1 so they want me to upgrade. (I didn't like Signlab that much before, and I like it even less now if they force customers to upgrade every time new inks or technologies become available)

Having used Flexi for many years, I was looking to get the Photo Print design and RIP software.

Any comments would really be appreciated.



New Member
We have a mimaki but use PhotoPrint DX. PhotoPrint has very few tools to actually do design work within. We mostly use it as a bridge between corelDraw and paint shop pro to the mimaki. Profiles are numerous, any profile for any current flexi product will work. We have found very acurate color reproduction within gamut.

It will only send cut jobs out to a plotter if it thinks it's a contour, which is easy enough to do, but we send most of our cut jobs to the plotter right from corel.

If all you need is basically a fancy bridge from design software to printer, than PhotoPrint is a great answer. And much cheaper than Wasatch, Onyx and other rip engines.


New Member
You have Max Ink media support with your SignLab 7.0

Currently using Signlab 7.0 but this does not work since I upgraded to Max inks for the VersaCamm. Cadlink said the profiles only work with 7.1 so they want me to upgrade. (I didn't like Signlab that much before, and I like it even less now if they force customers to upgrade every time new inks or technologies become available)

What you will find with the upgrade to SignLab 7.1 is that the software has been overhauled behind-the-scenes in order to provide superior color support for the various printer technologies, including the VersaCamm. There was no intent to make you feel pressured to upgrade, nor to merely treat you as a source of money. The SignLab software is genuinely being improved to maintain it as a leading-edge production tool for signage.

Though you currently have 7.0, you do have media support for the VersaCamm Max Inks. Whomever you spoke with at CADlink was either mistaken, or they may not have understood your concerns.

To get the latest VersaCamm media support for your SignLab 7.0, please do the following:
  1. From the Windows menu, go Programs >> SignLab >> Print and Cut Manager.
  2. From the Queue menu, choose Manage Printers to open the Manage Printers dialog.
  3. Check that the driver version at the 2.6 level.
  4. Then check for online updates by clicking the Online Updates button.
After doing the update, you should find that you have profile support for eight (8) of the Max Inks media (i.e., you will be able to select the print modes for those media).

At the SignLab 7.1 level, you would find that these media profiles have been redone in order to take advantage of the newer technology, and that a wider selection of media has been profiled. However, this is no to say that you do not have media support for your SignLab 7.0 product.

I should point out that for both SignLab 7.0 and 7.1, you have the ability to quickly set up the Print and Cut Manager to receive print and cut jobs from your preferred graphic design software, as well as from other operating systems (i.e., Mac, Linux, etc.). Please let me know if you need more information about how to set this up.


Rod at CADlink


New Member
At the SignLab 7.1 level, you would find that these media profiles have been redone in order to take advantage of the newer technology, and that a wider selection of media has been profiled.

Does he or does he NOT have to upgrade to get the newer profiles? Yes or no? It seems you are saying that,,, yes he does have to upgrade to get the updated profiles. No matter how much smoke is passed before the eyes is seems he only gets to use some older limited profiles with ver. 7. Thus he is forced to pay to get the newer profiles in ver 7.1.
And if he does have to upgrade,, how much?


New Member
Clarification about how media profiles work

Does he or does he NOT have to upgrade to get the newer profiles? Yes or no? It seems you are saying that,,, yes he does have to upgrade to get the updated profiles. No matter how much smoke is passed before the eyes is seems he only gets to use some older limited profiles with ver. 7. Thus he is forced to pay to get the newer profiles in ver 7.1.
And if he does have to upgrade,, how much?

  • If the SignLab 7.0 profile produces good results, then I would recommend going with that.
  • My concern was whether tdgraphics knew that they had existing support for their SignLab 7.0 version.
  • In SignLab 7.1, the printing technology has been literally improved, and the media profiles have been redone to maximize the benefit of said improvements.
  • However, using a new 7.1 profile with the older software would not produce the results that you expected because the software wouldn't know how to manage the newer printing technology support.
Does that help?

Rod at CADlink



New Member
I have upgraded the Print Manager to 3.9.

I purchased my printer in April 2005 and was supplied with version 7.0 of signlab.

I had a big bust up with the supplier as about a week later they suggested I upgrade to version 7.1 as it had been released in Ireland. My beef with my supplier was that if version 7.1 was so close, they should have supplied me with it anyway. However they would not. That now is water under the bridge, but I again feel aggrieved as with just a years use I am in the position of being forced to upgrade and I am not prepared to do that. I would rather give my money to another company that feel there is a gun to my head.

Basically, there are loads of profiles for MAX inks within the printer upgrades, but what I was told was that they are not fully compatible with version 7.0 and the best thing for me to do would be to upgrade to 7.1.

I know this may be cutting my nose off to spite my face, but I am not going to be held to ransom by anyone. I don't do that to any of my customers and I don't expect my suppliers to do it.

Simple as that.



New Member
I had a big bust up with the supplier as about a week later they suggested I upgrade to version 7.1 as it had been released in Ireland. My beef with my supplier was that if version 7.1 was so close, they should have supplied me with it anyway. However they would not. That now is water under the bridge, but I again feel aggrieved as with just a years use I am in the position of being forced to upgrade and I am not prepared to do that. I would rather give my money to another company that feel there is a gun to my head.

What you are saying bothers me a great deal. There is a matter of ethics coming into play when you are offerred a 7.0 upgrade one week, and then a 7.1 upgrade the following week. Though quite a bit of time has passed, please let me investigate this further within our management structure.

In the meantime, are you able to download the profiles for your SignLab 7.0? Is your Internet connection okay for performing online updates? There are eight (8) media profiles available for you, and I would like to know whether they are serving good use.


New Member

Thanks for the concern.

I have updated Signlab with all the profiles available, when I check for the on line updates I can either update form My Computer or the Internet. I select the internet, then I have a dialogue box to enter the update file name. I don't know what it is so I cannot download it.

As has already been said, I upgrade the Printer Manager to version 3.9 for the Versacamm and there is a large selection of MAX Ink profiles available.

Regarding the upgrade issue, I purchased my VersaCamm on the 16th February 2005. The Delivery docket for the Signlab Software sent to my supplier was the 8th February 2005.

I was informed a week or so later that version 7.1 was now available and thats when I suggested to the supplier that I should have been automatically upgraded or told to hold fire on the purchase until the version 7.1 was available. Anyway that discussion went nowhere.

I then spoke to one of your colleagues on the Cadlink Stand at Sign UK in March / April 2005 (a German gentleman) and he was very short with me. He would not even discuss anything other than an upgrade as 'that is the way to go'.

Suffice it to say, I got a little t'd off with the whole thing. The move to the MAX inks was the final straw.

If you want to know the order numbers for the software or anything like that, by all means email me and I can give the you whatever information you need. I don't want to go into any more detail on the board as it would not be fair to the individuals and companies involved.

I do know that a Signlab customer of many years here in Dublin has moved over to Flexi Pro to run their VersaCamm after they started using MAX Inks. (don't know the details why though)

Just as an aside, I had loads of trouble importing .eps and .ai files into Signlab, that issues is still unresolved and has been with the UK support desk for over a year. The sales guy at my supplier was the go between on that issue, I sent a CD with the files etc. The sales guy has since left my supplier, but I have not heard anything back from the UK Cadlink support team either directly or through the supplier.

All I can say is thanks for your concern and if the UK Support team displayed the same level of concern as you have displayed, maybe I would not be ditching Signlab with the feelings I currently have.

Thanks again Rod.



New Member
By the way, one thing I needed to say was that when I pressed the Dowload file for the online update of Print & Cut, it displays the message, Update file is not available at this time.

I have attched a image showing the Print manager version and the Print & Cut update message.


By the way I also attached an image of the .ai import. As you can see from the thumbnail and the image brought in, the text outlines are missing. I Sent these files via the suppliers sales guy.


  • Print Cut Manager.JPG
    Print Cut Manager.JPG
    29 KB · Views: 179
  • Signlab Update.JPG
    Signlab Update.JPG
    31.7 KB · Views: 155
  • Signlab AI Import 2.JPG
    Signlab AI Import 2.JPG
    18.7 KB · Views: 162


New Member
Rod, I'm glad to see someone from SignLab here and I hope on other forums. I too have had issues with transfering files from Corel 10 to SignLab. Each method has not given reliabale results. Exporting as an EPS seems to work best. I have even copied/paste, cut/paste and used .ai esport. I use version 6 but I upgraded to 7.1. I don't use it since I mainly use SignLab for cutting and CNC routing. The features for CNC 3D routing are not yet developed. So i use version 6. Where would I be on the upgrade chain? I upgraded throu a dealer who is of no help. When I got my upgrade I received laser engraving package.I upgraded from ver 5 to go to XP and a window CNC controller for my router. I wonder what happened to the "module" method to purchase features for the program. I do digital printing and have even considered the SignLab print/cut package but I still use Corel 10 and X3 to design and print from the RIP that came with the printer. The "curve" is much lower now and get easier everyday and I am beginning to feel the ease of using SignLab again. It is a very powerful program and I am sure very few use all its features. I remember when it was CadLink.....computer aided design...linked with Corel. I even have a friend who still cuts vinyl with a Roland 1000 and DOS CadLink and Corel 2.

We just feel like we have to "chime in". It is comforting to see that someone from Cadlink is actually involved with this forum. Please take what we say seriously, but please do not take offense.

As you are reading, in the above posts, the CS that is recieved via telephone has degraded over the last few years. Maybe the employees at Cadlink are too overwhelmed, maybe it is just "Canadian attitude" (although I doubt that - originating from Western NY and endless amounts of time in Canada).

Whatever the cause - I can personally tell you that the given impression is" "Why are you bothering me? Are you an idiot? We are too busy?". It is sad to get that type of feeling from what IS a premier company.

We wish we could say it was an isolated incident, but this type of treatment has been experienced over a span of time. As for others, I am sure that somebody has been satisfied - but we cannot speak for others.

The effects of this have caused us to turn to S.A. products. At the same time, we have noticed a trend among American distributors, to push S.A products. When asked why, we are told "better CS and dealer support" (maybe it is profit margin - we do not know).

While you are speaking to management, you may want to bring this up to them. Among other factors, issues such as these "put a hurting" on Corel. We would truly hate to see the same happen at Cadlink.

Thank you for your ear.



New Member
Guidelines for exporting AI and EPS files

tdgraphics writes:<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p></o:p>
Just as an aside, I had loads of trouble importing .eps and .ai files into Signlab, that issues is still unresolved and has been with the UK support desk for over a year. The sales guy at my supplier was the go between on that issue, I sent a CD with the files etc. The sales guy has since left my supplier, but I have not heard anything back from the UK Cadlink support team either directly or through the supplier.

Jackpine writes:<o:p></o:p>
I too have had issues with transfering files from Corel 10 to SignLab.<o:p></o:p>
Each method has not given reliabale results. <o:p></o:p>
Exporting as an EPS seems to work best. I have even copied/paste, cut/paste and used .ai esport.
  • As a general rule, export the AI file as no later than an Illustrator 8 version.
  • Something that needs to be understood is that AI files later than Illustrator 8 are essentially a PDF file with an AI extension.<o:p></o:p>
  • With respect to EPS files, there is quite a bit of variation in how a given application will export their EPS file objects.
  • You will see certain applications with the ability to "Save as" or "Export" earlier versions of Illustrator files. For example, in Adobe Illustrator CS choose File | Export, and then set the file type = Illustrator Legacy (AI).
  • Similarly, Illustrator CS has ability to export as an Illustrator Legacy EPS (EPS) file.
Hope that helps,
Rod at CADlink


New Member
CNC 3D routing support is available

Jackpine writes:<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p></o:p>
I use version 6 but I upgraded to 7.1. <o:p></o:p>
I don't use it since I mainly use SignLab for cutting and CNC routing. <o:p></o:p>
The features for CNC 3D routing are not yet developed. So i use version 6. <o:p></o:p>
Where would I be on the upgrade chain? <o:p></o:p>
I upgraded throu a dealer who is of no help. <o:p></o:p>
When I got my upgrade I received laser engraving package.<o:p></o:p>
I upgraded from ver 5 to go to XP and a window CNC controller for my router. <o:p></o:p>
I wonder what happened to the "module" method to purchase features for the program.
The module system was simply becoming too unmanageable due to the sheer number of variations that were possible. The system was prone to confusion both in-house and with our dealers. The solution was to focus on a select few product lines (Vinyl Pro, Print and Cut) with specialized modules (Inkjet Spot Color Printing support, PANTONE® Color Matching, etc.).
The CNC 3D routing support is available. Would you please send me a personal message with your dongle number, and we can check your product and provide you with specific upgrade information.
I trust that you were able to setup your laser engraving okay. Just in case, the EngraveLab Quick Start has a section on setting up your laser engraver, which is available in PDF format here: ftp://ftp.cadlink.com/pub/EngraveLab/71/<o:p></o:p>
You would want the “EngraveLab7_QuickStart.pdf” file.
Rod at CADlink


New Member
Thank you for voicing your honest concerns

George writes:<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p></o:p>
As you are reading, in the above posts, the CS that is recieved via telephone has degraded over the last few years. Maybe the employees at Cadlink are too overwhelmed, maybe it is just "Canadian attitude" (although I doubt that - originating from Western NY and endless amounts of time in Canada).<o:p></o:p>
Whatever the cause - I can personally tell you that the given impression is" "Why are you bothering me? Are you an idiot? We are too busy?". It is sad to get that type of feeling from what IS a premier company.
This is important feedback to know. Thank you, and no offence taken. I can imagine your frustration. If it is any consolation, we have been doing the following in recent months:
  • Brought on additional people for our in-house Tech Support staff.
  • Provided problem resolution training for our Tech Support staff to help maintain focus despite the stress of trying to help people quickly.
  • Created and maintained CADlink InfoSource forums for people to provide more direct feedback about their SignLab and ask the community in general about design work. From the CADlink site, go InfoSource >> Forums.
  • Provided online training videos to help people learn a given SignLab feature quickly. These videos are an extension of the SignLab University training CD, and they are available free through the CADlink site. Go InfoSource >> Tutorials.
I will append your comments to what already has been passed along. I am still waiting on feedback concerning Neil’s (tdgraphic) situation, so I should not say any more at this time.
Rod at CADlink

Hubert Furey

New Member
Hi George,

Rod asked me to investigate the details of your issue. I am the manager for the North American tech support center and would like to learn more about the specific problems you have encountered. If you are interested you can PM me your contact information and your SignLab dongle number (if you still have it) and I can search/review your tech logs for the past several years. Once I have had a chance to review the specific call details we can discuss the experiences you had with our support staff.

Hope to hear from you.


Hubert Furey
CADlink Technical Support

Pro Signs & Graphix said:

As you are reading, in the above posts, the CS that is recieved via telephone has degraded over the last few years. Maybe the employees at Cadlink are too overwhelmed, maybe it is just "Canadian attitude" (although I doubt that - originating from Western NY and endless amounts of time in Canada).

Whatever the cause - I can personally tell you that the given impression is" "Why are you bothering me? Are you an idiot? We are too busy?". It is sad to get that type of feeling from what IS a premier company.

We wish we could say it was an isolated incident, but this type of treatment has been experienced over a span of time. As for others, I am sure that somebody has been satisfied - but we cannot speak for others.