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Pirated Aurora Graphics DVD's

Fred Weiss

Merchant Member
For the PayPal part of this, I would gather any documentation that relates to the software being legal versions. Screen shots of the seller's ad for example. I would guess PayPal would side with you if you can demonstrate fraudulent claims on the part of the seller.

If you didn't ask and the seller never said they were legitimate copies, then you may have a problem.


New Member
what price did you pay for the dvd's? i mean, if they were at a huge discount from the list price you had to at least think for a second whether they might be counterfeit or not.


New Member
they was 100.00 a cd sorry DVD what ever he had to know they was counterfit. I also talked to the guy by email When he offered me bad wrap for 600.00 knew that was not for real. If its that cheap gurantee it not to be real.


Premium Subscriber
If you didn't ask and the seller never said they were legitimate copies, then you may have a problem.

That's the key. :thumb:

He said, she said, they said won't cut it here. You need to find evidence that he/she purposely fooled you into buying pirated software. Otherwise, it could easily become a pissing contest. Your stating that you run across them and agreed on a price is a little fishy. Did the price seem a little odd or did you jump on a very good price.

Sometimes it pays to do a little investigative work ahead of time.... to help prevent these things from happening.

Is this a legitimate vendor or just someone selling software ??

Capital Signs

New Member
Got to love it! Price has nothing to do with this. He told me they were legitimate copies, and that they came in their respective cases.

I did think they were somewhat inexpensive, but I did give him the benefit of the doubt.

Once again, Aurora graphics will receive these dvd's and told me they will do what is necessary to make sure this does not happen in the future with this particular person.


  • Piss On CapSigns (Medium).jpg
    Piss On CapSigns (Medium).jpg
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New Member
Got to love it! Price has nothing to do with this. He told me they were legitimate copies, and that they came in their respective cases.

I did think they were somewhat inexpensive, but I did give him the benefit of the doubt.

Once again, Aurora graphics will receive these dvd's and told me they will do what is necessary to make sure this does not happen in the future with this particular person.

So youre basically tossin away your dough, that sucks

Capital Signs

New Member
I knew there was going to be a calvin comment... LOL. I did it to be funny.

Anywho, I talked to dave. He told me he is going to prosecute to the fullest of this clown, and that he will aid me and retreiving my moneys from Paypal... Along with him contacting paypal.

He said, "I want to make SURE he does not profit from this transaction"

He thanked me, and told me he would be giving me "legit copies" of these DVD's as well.

Thanks Dave, you rock. He has also read all of these threads, and the thread where it was already posted. The post has been removed after contacting the other site admin.

Thanks guys for your support.


New Member
Why not buy them from aurora to begin with

To be fair to everyone who pays FULL PRICE for AURORA stuff

I think aurora `s being realy realy nice sending new original copies for trade on fakes
considering they never got a dime...............................nuf said
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Sign Works

New Member
I have seen many times were people were selling this software and in the description it said "New, Opened but Never Used" Dosen't take a rocket scientist to figure out what these clowns are doing.

Capital Signs

New Member
Case is closed on this. Appropriate action was taken. As Corkinsa stated, many business start up, purchase things, then never use them. That may have been the case, I dont know. Unfortunately it was not. Dave is going to prosecute this individual to the fullest.

S. Sexton

New Member
I talked Jarod Bubeck B&G Kustomz (thebubecks07@yahoo.com) about the same disks and was assured they where originals with original cases. I will recieve Tuesday my disks. Looks like I will be contacting paypal also.

If I wouldnt have strayed from 101 this would have never happen.

Fred Weiss

Merchant Member
A couple of related notes.

It was discussed here a while back, so for those among you who care, be advised that all Aurora Graphics products forbid the transfer of the license to any third party. Buying used software gains you access to the images but you are buying just that ... access without permission or licensed rights.

We used to be a dealer for Aurora Graphics while also being a developer of digital art ourselves. We had a fundamental disagreement though over including user guides with such products. Aurora does not include printed user guides and only recently began making PDFs available at their website. We always include printed user guides ... for two reasons:

1. It completes the product and adds usability and value to it.

2. It can and is used as a barrier against illegal duplication and redistribution.

A lot of our marketing is by telephone contact. I can't begin to tell you the amount of customers we spoke with after selling an Aurora product who were angry with us about the lack of any reasonable way to know what they actually had purchased a license for. Some we spoke with had it sitting on a shelf six months later unused.

From my perspective, I believe that Aurora's products are currently the most illegally duplicated art products on the market. Users recognize that they can get most of their money back by archiving the art on another disk or their hard drives and then selling the original disk(s). So that's what they do. I would guess that for every legal copy licensed there is a spawn of at least ten resales as each buyer does the same thing.

So this has three points ... again for those among you who care:

  • Buying used software may not grant you the rights you think you are getting. With software, possession means nothing. License rights means everything.
  • Buying software without adequate documentation, legally or otherwise, may stand as a barrier to you receiving reasonable value for your investment.
  • Aurora Graphics has contributed heavily to their own problem by not protecting their artwork with documentation that would serve to make illegal duplication a more difficult thing to do.