News broke this morning that our small city had its first two confirmed COVID-19 cases. The Lawton City Council widened the scope of how many businesses had to shut down or greatly limit their interactions with customers (such as banning dine-in service at restaurants). I'm glad I got my hair cut recently. Barber shops and hair salons were among the additional businesses that had to close. Pretty much everything is going down to essential services only. We've made the argument our business is an essential service for other businesses (since many are needed COVID-19 advisory signs for customers).
We have closed our front office to walk-in customers. We're taking orders and payment over the phone. For small signs, such as banners, we'll set them outside for customers to pick up. We have a couple outside crews available for any emergencies that need a crane. There are some other jobs already scheduled, such as lifting HVAC units onto a roof or changing parking lot lights. But we're going to hold off on the regular new sign install jobs for a while. It's not going to look good for us if we're out and about looking like we're doing business as usual while a bunch of other people are stuck at home either drawing unemployment or burning through all their PTO hours.