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Postcard Layout

John L

New Member
Rick.... WOW!...again & again.

Adtech, check this out - after seeing Rick'a postcards, I actually kinda want to call Needleman and save me some off my premiums. Having a nice looking postcard is nothing but compost. Having a postcard that gets money from my wallet and into the hands of Needleman for making a quick circle around my house is awesome!


New Member
If it's a good layout, short & SWEET...I still will, and will even keep it for a while. If it's cluttered and amateur-looking, it gets tossed instantly.

Locals Find!

New Member
Rick.... WOW!...again & again.

Adtech, check this out - after seeing Rick'a postcards, I actually kinda want to call Needleman and save me some off my premiums. Having a nice looking postcard is nothing but compost. Having a postcard that gets money from my wallet and into the hands of Needleman for making a quick circle around my house is awesome!

Rick's layouts are awesome! Way better than if I sat for a week trying to do that. Actually, sent rick a pm asking if I could hire him to do designs for me on a job by job basis.

Haven't heard back one way or the other. I really hope he says yes.


New Member
Rick's layouts are awesome! Way better than if I sat for a week trying to do that. Actually, sent rick a pm asking if I could hire him to do designs for me on a job by job basis.

Haven't heard back one way or the other. I really hope he says yes.
How will you be paying for Rick's services?

Locals Find!

New Member
How will you be paying for Rick's services?

I would prepay him as my clients prepay me for all orders. My ideal agreement would be Rick sets a rate I post that rate along side the product for artwork/setup services and they pay up front then he gets paid.

That way I am sure my costs are covered in advance. So, everyone is happy.


Premium Subscriber
So, it's kinda like ordering a hamburger, shake and french fries at your place ?? Nothing is custom tailored to fit any special requirements or needs ??

I'll take a number 6 and can I have extra napkins, ketchup, onions, no pickles, four straws and can you put them all in separate bags ??

Addie, here's a real piece of advice for you instead of my usual nitpicking.......

Based upon your past posts, your PM's with me and other idle talk.... you can't afford a top notch designer like Rick and make his service by the pound, then expect him to remain on staff at your beckoned call. Your business model is based on what you can do and what you've been providing for the time you've been in business. A sharp increase in design costs on what you want will scare most of your loyal clients away and based on your reputation, you're not known for doing any quality work as far as design/layout goes. No offense, but looking at your posts you're proud of, unless you hire someone in-house and can work for peanuts and hours on end revising and making several selections, I don't see how you can honestly give this kind of pricing. Rick's stuff that he posted up for you was free and I'm sure you'll just take it and use it as your own, but that kinda thinking and process can take hours and even if it doesn't, you'll never know ahead of time, so, how do you expect to put up a single cost ??


Locals Find!

New Member
So, it's kinda like ordering a hamburger, shake and french fries at your place ?? Nothing is custom tailored to fit any special requirements or needs ??

I'll take a number 6 and can I have extra napkins, ketchup, onions, no pickles, four straws and can you put them all in separate bags ??
Addie, here's a real piece of advice for you instead of my usual nitpicking.......

Based upon your past posts, your PM's with me and other idle talk.... you can't afford a top notch designer like Rick and make his service by the pound, then expect him to remain on staff at your beckoned call. Your business model is based on what you can do and what you've been providing for the time you've been in business. A sharp increase in design costs on what you want will scare most of your loyal clients away and based on your reputation, you're not known for doing any quality work as far as design/layout goes. No offense, but looking at your posts you're proud of, unless you hire someone in-house and can work for peanuts and hours on end revising and making several selections, I don't see how you can honestly give this kind of pricing. Rick's stuff that he posted up for you was free and I'm sure you'll just take it and use it as your own, but that kinda thinking and process can take hours and even if it doesn't, you'll never know ahead of time, so, how do you expect to put up a single cost ??

Gino, I recently communicated with Rick and he doesn't want to do the kinda design I need nor, does he have the time with his current workload.

I only really need a designer for one particular line of products. Simply my Every Door Direct Mail Retail clients.

My ideal designer would be able to give me a flat rate that was reasonable to both them and myself. To come up with a 2-3 basic concepts based on the information I provide from the client. Much like Rick was able to do with my Compass Inspection.

I could handle doing minor edits etc... to finish it off and make it press ready.


Premium Subscriber
So, why don't you hire one ??

Put him/her on staff and have them multi-task and call them an employee. Everytime you need a design, you post some hideous design and ultimately you catch a sucker that does your work for you...... and for free.

Please stop taking advantage of this site's members and man up and either hire the many designers here and pay their asking price and run the business the way it needs to be run and stop your drive-thru method of pricing.

Tell me this is how it is in your business and I'll show you a dozen ways or reasons it's not.... and they all revolve around your methodology.

If you'd stop making excuses and creating reasons why you can't do this, that or whatever, you'll begin to grow. Perhaps, you'd even start to get better at some of this stuff yourself. If you rely on always creating these stupid scenarios and coming clean with this chit, maybe others would start helping you and wouldn't feel taken advantage of in doing so.

Only a thought. Don't get lost.

John Butto

New Member
Gino's quote: "you post some hideous design and ultimately you catch a sucker that does your work for you...... and for free".
as my postcard on post #55 states the same thing, Gino hit the nail on the head.
Addie you can use my photo for free for your idea for reciepes postcards a while back.


Certified Enneadecagon Designer
First, I appreciate Adtechia's offer,

If I was not busy, and was not working on other print projects that were more craft oriented, I would have given him options to work out an arrangement.

Most of my clients are on call. It is a mix of drop everything and get it done and jobs that last years. My freelance business is gears toward being thrown a lot of work by few clients than onsey twosey clients and tire kickers.

Reading his particular issues, he may not benefit yet with a full time employee, plus as discussed before, they are not all that easy to find. Postcard or what I call "trash can marketing" is a particularly odd business and someone with experience with design, copywriting and marketing is best suited for this type of work. Those qualifications are hard to find. It is best he freelances these out to someone who is suited to digital/4 color work until he learns the ropes. Someone that sticks out in my mind who is on this site, who now freelances is BigDawg.

Oh and he is free to use my idea(s) anyway he wishes. My belief is like the letterhead movement, a free exchange of information benefits our industry. (unless you piss me off)

Locals Find!

New Member

The company right now is not generating enough revenue to be able to take on an employee.

Hell, the company is barely generating enough to keep me as one and I own it.

I am looking to hire a designer. I am not trying to dodge that. I am willing to pay fair rates. I don't know what those are going to be as I haven't spoken to anyone yet to get an idea of those rates.


New Member
I decided to start a business selling piano solo work, for use in soundtracks!

It going to be a tough road though... I'm logging 8 hours a day, marketing these solos and need to be paid, while at the same time I certainly don't feel that piano lessons and practicing would fit in my day. I hope a pianist can do my work at reasonable rate, and of course, I will define "reasonable" based on the financially challenging realities of my struggling piano-solo-for-hire business model which at this stage can hardly support me...

I mean, how else would one determine rates for a pianist to fill these shoes? My profitability is the only obvious criteria!

Locals Find!

New Member
Doug, I am practicing and am looking into classes for myself. The point is though I got clients coming to me outside of my comfort zone from referrals.

I work mainly with Real Estate, its what I know its what I am actually good at. Mainly "Just Listed" "Just Sold" postcards. Well, the contractors/restaurants/salons all hear how good I am with the Real Estate agents & offices and now want me to market them. Now, I really can't afford to turn away the work. So, I am trying to adapt as fast as I can. To keep these new clients happy and satisfied and me in business.

I didn't plan for this or market to get this business its all word of mouth.


New Member
I get it Addie I'm not stopping my piano solo business either... even though my hunt&plunk approach to tickling the ivory's will never help my clients soundtrack purchases pay for themselves in their final usage... they won't really know that until long after MY check clears... and I gotta eat, so what else matters? It's not my fault I chose the piano business, with zero talent... er, I mean it's not my clients fault.. ummm I mean, it nobody's fault, but the ball is rolling already, so I gotta play that tune... I mean what choice do I have?


Premium Subscriber
I can name that tune in two notes !!


  • name that tune-2.jpg
    name that tune-2.jpg
    162.2 KB · Views: 174


New Member

I think you should strongly consider hiring a designer to do ALL your design work. That's what I meant in my posts above. You may think you "Are good at Real estate" but trust me, your design skills are poor all-around. And what is really hurting your business and image is you actually really ENJOY doing the design. But what I think is probably happening, is you ended up doing a lot of work for your Mom, sister, or whomever, and built up a reasonable client base but the real estate industry is used to cheap, poor taste design so you fit in well! No offense.

That said, you can find a young freelance designer more than capable of doing work that would elevate your business for 15-20/Hr. and can hire them on a per project basis. All you need to do is post a craigs list ad, and although there may not be a flood of creatives in your area like Portland has, I can almost guarantee you, in about 5 hours you will have like 30 responses. Or better yet, hire someone from here. My gut says you won't be able to afford more than someone fairly fresh out of school though.

It's a win-win for you! You make money by doing nothing, you offer better design, and that gives you more time to sell and build relationships.

But you have to get past your "flat rate" methodology. Just buck up and pay an hourly fee, then mark up that fee to your clients. All projects are different and take a different amount of time. Have your chosen designer send you estimates. Once you get a good relationship going ,you both will know more by instinct how long something takes.

And whatever you do, do NOT take your designers' files, and then modify them or "make any final tweaks." It's the quickest way possible to piss them off and potentially lose a valuable resource.