re: using owner's photos it was simply an example for reflection & is a topic that people rarely put any thought into & how it can influence people..both good & bad..and if it has any effect at all other than boosting ego (depending on the industry, the market, etc)
just a few thoughts not related to the project at hand..
i think it is important to remember that people other than the op who asks a question benefit from the topic, both now and in the future. i have had discussions with members of s101 that will not answer posts posed by members that they don't care for...we all lose in those situations.
there is a tremendous pool of talent at signs101, imo there is not a problem related to our industry that can not be solved by the participants here. it is important to remember that people other than the individual who poses a question will encounter that same problem. it is unfortunate for everyone who participates & for those who may need the solution to a problem in the future, if those who have information of value don't contribute because of their feelings for an individual. i understand it is reality but it is still unfortunate.
to the op...many comments have been made about your design ability. you need to invest in yourself to improve your skills, simply doing more work with the same tools that you possess is not going to do it, you need instruction in one form or another. i can not imagine it feels good to read the comments that you are not doing yourself or your business any favors, etc. and i really don't want to hop on that bus, it doesn't help anyone..the reality is that good design will improve your business, it will improve everyone's business.
not everyone has those skills, nor the time to develop them..and even with all the time in the world..some people simply are not cut out to be great designers, there is nothing wrong with that..there are many artists out there.
But good design partnered with effective, well thought out content, printed by a quality printer will produce a product that will generate results for your clients..if you consistently generate the results your clients desire you can charge whatever you want (within reason

..otherwise you are forced into the seemingly bottomless pit of people in this trade who have no design skills, no business acumen, no skill/specialty/plan, who offer nothing other than low prices...fighting to see who can sell things cheaper to get the next job.
there are many ways to make it in this industry without being a designer, there is NOTHING wrong with being a job shop..where the customer brings you a job and you produce it. The frustration is when people masquerade as professional designers, copywriters, etc. Misleading customers who then have to be re-educated when they realize that they need skills beyond what they have received.
Here's a good book for review, but there are TONS MORE...
Before & After: How to Design Cool Stuff; John McWade