IMO $500 is $500 guys. Hell if i would turn it down.
I hope to one day get a shop and ask to up a $500 budget for a logo design...From what i have seen around here, other shops charge $600 for a wrap design but could be the different areas.
We (when I was working, sigh) used to build the wrap design into the wrap cost. Depending on the vehicle that was usually pretty cut and dry design work. Even *I* could do that, given some original artwork to play with.
From scratch stuff, though, I'd have to make my designer charge by the hour, simply because so much of designing a brand new logo is back and forth with the customer. It's odd, people say "design me a logo cuz I dunno how!!!!" and then also say "well I like it but! maybe we could add...".
A flat fee encourages a ridiculous amount of back and forth like this, in my opinion. Charging by the hour most of our customers would be more efficient and let us get our work done, in the end saving everybody money and time, including on the logo itself, usually (most designs were less than $500 and it rocked because they were done in a day or two and I could get to my job, printing 'em).