Received a call today from customer, he will send FedEx directions tomorrow for shirts.
Red Flags !!!!! Kind of weird.
Call the phone operator check number on display and find the call was from Giena. Check the fax area code, it was a US number, Customer has a Canadian address.
Flag, Flag, Flag. We process VISA by phone. Called Chase our processing company, They throw in red flags when they hear story. Conference call both Visa companies with Chase, that's the customers companies. Both Cards customer supplied Ontario addresses don't match American card holders real addresses or names for that mater. Both purchases voided, that's $7000, Chase will remove what they deposited from the cards into my accounts via claw back from my bank account. A good portion of the monies went to get product. Summer operating capital is low, Now bank had to freese accounts till all the money gets all shuffled back.
What a day!!!!!!

Glad I figured it out before I shipped anything. We will forever do business differently.
The cops opened a file but expect no action.
Might call Uncle Hector the Collector and see if he has any C-4 in his collection. Then send the shirts anyway if you know what I mean!!!!