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Sergio no longer with AZ Color?


New Member
I am calling Frank tomorrow! I know he likes to hunt and I have loads of hunting ground I can trade him to get in the catalog, Mosh is so going to me the Serg! This is going to be good....:popcorn:

Dave Drane

New Member
I find this thread very interesting on a personal level. It's interesting to read about feelings garnered about a person that has been proclaimed 'mouthpieces' of the industry. Some know Sergio very well, some seem to know only what they read of him, or what he's written himself.

While I don't consider myself a mouthpiece for anything, I suppose my SignCraft status makes me something (god only knows what!). Makes me wonder what you guys think of me! At the end of the day, I always thought that the more you gave, the more you got in return.

The one thing I can say, is that when writing for a publication, you earn that privilege - and you generally need credentials to be given that honor. And in writing, you try to get the articles point across in a manner that doesn't talk down, or cast judgment.

I hope there have not been times when it's been viewed otherwise. Recently I was labeled 'elitist' here - and I think it's important that regardless of one's credentials, you try and check your ego at the door. In putting yourself and your beliefs or philosophies 'out there' you expose yourself, however. And you learn that there are some who don't agree, and some who for selfish reasons, want to try and take you down a notch.

I remember meeting most of the 'famous' Jersey crew - who first were in SignCraft. I idolized them. But upon meeting them after I was first in SignCraft in 96, turned out they were just regular guys. Many are dear friends to this day.

I know this thread has nothing to do with me (sorry to hijack), I just thought the reactions were interesting. :)

Dan, I am over 60 years old and in my opinion you are right up there with the rest of my heroes. I have all the old Signs Of The Times from about 1960 and all the Signcraft magazines too. I started my trade in 1965 as a 5 year apprenticeship and I had many American heroes of the brush. My favourite was Chester Cunningham, and the others from the Chicago area along with Ray Chapman. I copied their style like there was no tomorrow as i knew there was no way I could get caught out living "down Under". I read all your articles over and over and have some of your books. I have many old books that my dad bought also abour sign design and layout. Please keep up the good work and eye candy, it is much appreciated.:thumb::clapping:


New Member
Dan, I am over 60 years old and in my opinion you are right up there with the rest of my heroes. I have all the old Signs Of The Times from about 1960 and all the Signcraft magazines too. I started my trade in 1965 as a 5 year apprenticeship and I had many American heroes of the brush. My favourite was Chester Cunningham, and the others from the Chicago area along with Ray Chapman. I copied their style like there was no tomorrow as i knew there was no way I could get caught out living "down Under". I read all your articles over and over and have some of your books. I have many old books that my dad bought also abour sign design and layout. Please keep up the good work and eye candy, it is much appreciated.:thumb::clapping:
+1 Dave....got all my old Signcraft mags and old sign books...my favourite was also Chester Cunningham...still is when I think about it, I probably apply his ideas to my work today a lot more than I even realise or think about.
That is not a direct reflection of our current tradesmen and women. Some of us are incredibly interested in the history and development of the trade, just not born in time to partake in it...


the late great Chester Cunningham's career was before my time as well. i simply had mentors that pressed the value of knowing the history of the craft i was eager to learn.

the majority of new comers to our trade have no idea of the history of our trade and sadly they have no desire to know about it.


Active Member
I echo Dave Dranes sentiments and was also a fan of Chester's.
There's always been drama in the trade though...it's just more accessible now.
and the Sergio thing reminds me of the saying..."Wherever I go, there I am".


New Member
Sometimes this is true:

Past performance IS a good indicator of future results. If you keep doing what you have always done you will keep getting what you have always gotten.


New Member
Alright ALRIGHT!!!! - Anybody out here in "Signs101 land" that has been through my class or knows me personally, knows that I generally steer way WAY clear of as it was put earlier the "Days of our lives" drama that always starts in these public forums.

In fact, I was not even a member of this site until reading through these 4 pages and just felt like I needed to say something - and I am very likely to never post here again.

I have been working with Sergio for years and years, I love the man like my family. His whole family has taken me in as their own as well. I don't need to help Sergio defend himself, he's a big boy, and I can tell you from experience, he packs a hell of a punch.

I just feel like I need to give an insider's testimonial to the madness. When I first met Sergio I was a wild and crazy out of control 18 year old vinyl monkey bouncing around shop to shop to shop to shop in Phoenix. I knew I was good, and I knew I was fast, I was just very difficult to control. I'm also VERY passionate about what I do, the highs AND the lows, all of this made it extremely hard for me to hold a job even though I am very good at what I do.

Sergio was and is my absolute favorite person to work for and with EVER! nobody has ever pushed me harder to be better, and just assumed on blind faith alone in me to adapt on the fly and to put out a product worthy of his specs. The absolute biggest, and most artistic projects (outside of my band) that I've ever been lucky enough to be a part of are because of him. the position that I hold now at my current company is pretty damn prestigious for a wild and crazy out of control vinyl monkey.... yep that's thanks to Serg as well.

With all the different projects over the years, there have been crews that come and go. Someone that Sergio fired off a project, told me "Man, I don't know HOW you can work for that guy!!!" --- and I KNOW EXACTLY WHAT HE IS SAYING --- a lot of people cant take criticism if it doesn't come in sugar form. and sugar-coating is one thing Serg just doesn't do...... He will put you in a position and expect you to do it to the best of your ability, and he IS hard on you, - you WILL know when you screwed up ----- I am no different - he has rightfully handed me my own a$$ many many many times - and I deserved it!! - hell! he's even fired me before - and I STILL knew that HE was who I needed to be linked up with!!

The deal with Sergio is he dreams big and he NEEDS people that do the same -- But, Its much easier just to pass the ball and be home by 5. --- If you are the "big dreamer" type surrounded by "boxed" types, life can be hell - when nobody is on board with your big plans, or unwilling to put forth the needed effort to do it better. Anybody in this situation is likely to turn into a caged animal.

So Just take it for whatever it worth. The "Love/Hate forum posts" never really bother me. I just wanted to say that if you get enough of these wildly passionate hard to control artists types all following the same dream from different points of view, - all of the sudden, they don't have any issues keeping a job - and at that point, you don't even have a wrap shop..... You have yourself an unstoppable juggernaut.

Just my opinion, Thank you Signs101 community for letting me state it, Sean Rhodes

Circleville Signs

New Member
Alright ALRIGHT!!!! - Anybody out here in "Signs101 land" that has been through my class or knows me personally, knows that I generally steer way WAY clear of as it was put earlier the "Days of our lives" drama that always starts in these public forums.

In fact, I was not even a member of this site until reading through these 4 pages and just felt like I needed to say something - and I am very likely to never post here again.

I have been working with Sergio for years and years, I love the man like my family. His whole family has taken me in as their own as well. I don't need to help Sergio defend himself, he's a big boy, and I can tell you from experience, he packs a hell of a punch.

I just feel like I need to give an insider's testimonial to the madness. When I first met Sergio I was a wild and crazy out of control 18 year old vinyl monkey bouncing around shop to shop to shop to shop in Phoenix. I knew I was good, and I knew I was fast, I was just very difficult to control. I'm also VERY passionate about what I do, the highs AND the lows, all of this made it extremely hard for me to hold a job even though I am very good at what I do.

Sergio was and is my absolute favorite person to work for and with EVER! nobody has ever pushed me harder to be better, and just assumed on blind faith alone in me to adapt on the fly and to put out a product worthy of his specs. The absolute biggest, and most artistic projects (outside of my band) that I've ever been lucky enough to be a part of are because of him. the position that I hold now at my current company is pretty damn prestigious for a wild and crazy out of control vinyl monkey.... yep that's thanks to Serg as well.

With all the different projects over the years, there have been crews that come and go. Someone that Sergio fired off a project, told me "Man, I don't know HOW you can work for that guy!!!" --- and I KNOW EXACTLY WHAT HE IS SAYING --- a lot of people cant take criticism if it doesn't come in sugar form. and sugar-coating is one thing Serg just doesn't do...... He will put you in a position and expect you to do it to the best of your ability, and he IS hard on you, - you WILL know when you screwed up ----- I am no different - he has rightfully handed me my own a$$ many many many times - and I deserved it!! - hell! he's even fired me before - and I STILL knew that HE was who I needed to be linked up with!!

The deal with Sergio is he dreams big and he NEEDS people that do the same -- But, Its much easier just to pass the ball and be home by 5. --- If you are the "big dreamer" type surrounded by "boxed" types, life can be hell - when nobody is on board with your big plans, or unwilling to put forth the needed effort to do it better. Anybody in this situation is likely to turn into a caged animal.

So Just take it for whatever it worth. The "Love/Hate forum posts" never really bother me. I just wanted to say that if you get enough of these wildly passionate hard to control artists types all following the same dream from different points of view, - all of the sudden, they don't have any issues keeping a job - and at that point, you don't even have a wrap shop..... You have yourself an unstoppable juggernaut.

Just my opinion, Thank you Signs101 community for letting me state it, Sean Rhodes


What you are saying (if I'm reading it right) is that Sergio is too brilliant and artistic to work for other people. OK. I can buy that.

If that's the case, then why would he GLADLY keep taking these people's money?

Just not buying that this guy is the greatest guy alive. You just don't have this many career moves with "dubious" endings is such a short period of time if you are such a great guy.



Premium Subscriber
Welcome from PA.......................................

Sorry Sean, I've seen your mug on the various magazines and although you wrote a rather lengthy first post here.... I don't think you really explained a thing about Serg.... that most here don't already know.

I would almost think, nobody here or most places around the country that know or have heard of him really care how he handles himself, if he is truly an artist or whatever else goes on inside of Serg's head.

As you already picked up on.... some people just like to stir the pot and Serg is an easy target because of his reputation or lack of.... however you want to look at it. The drama is what keeps people coming back and adding to this pot. Not Serg. We're just using his name to vent frustrations about all kinds of things.

However Sean, did ya ever notice if you dangle something out there long enough.... someone eventually bites ?? Have you noticed all the bites good and/or bad throughout 'SERG THREADs' ??

Now, on a more serious note, don't you want to retract your statement about this possibly being your first and maybe last post and share your wealth of knowledge here. Don't you think you can learn something here ?? Maybe you can be the spokesman many here are searching for with their wrap questions. Possibly that's why Serg isn't well liked. He could help, but chooses not to. Are you that much the same as your mentor ?? Or can you stick around and become one of us..... :signs101:??

Oh, and try doing it the better way by joining as a 'Premium' member/subscriber


New Member
Thank you very much Gino!! - I have tremendous respect for the trade - and the only reason that I steer clear of the public forums is because they always get personal - & well thats not so much of a problem, except my opinions are pretty strong and have caused issues for my employer in the past when its a nation wide free for all that I involve myself in. --

Has nothing to do with this specific site - I support the free flow of thought this site provides.


Old Member
Hey Sean...I haven't read through this whole thread because it is too long and drawn out and I'm not that interested. I just happened to glance at this point and saw your post though and I'd just like to say I appreciate what you've tried to say. As is the nature of forums like this, once you put your written word out there it is open hunting season for everyone to dissect, pick it apart, twist it around and criticize it 'til the end of time. I hope that isn't the case with your post and hope you continue to participate here and have success in your work.

anthony smith

New Member
Sean and Serg are pretty cool guys trying to make a living. You people see what time this is being written, I'm printing and working on Friday night very busy, everyone get a life and try to make your business succeed ? If you people have this much time you need to get out and sell your s*%T.