I don't see the beef with the product. It is all in the application. If someone is having a one day event outdoors in a park or something this would probably be perfect. Couple stakes and that {family reunion, flag football game, furry larp, whatever} has a way to identify where the are and where to go from both directions or anything else ... where to register, where the bathrooms are, SPONSORS, etc, etc etc. Inside I can see that as a fast "THIS ITEM IS ON SALE" sign that if anyone trips on, kicks, pees on or whatever ... it's not a big deal. I think it depends on the customers needs and how long they are going to be using the sign. I mean ... we all sell banners right? are they any less useful in high wind areas? are they any less of a value to a customer because it's not a more stable sign? .... All in the application.
As for the price ... Find what works for you OP ...
While not trashing the idea, I do think playing devil's advocate the way I have in my posts will hopefully spur the OP to improve the product and address the issues of durability, safety and liability.
I agree with your basic premise about the usefulness of something like this for a temporary event or quick wayfinding purposes with not much expectation of longevity, but I got the impression that his target audience was brick and mortar businesses who would put this thing out in front everyday in lieu of a more traditional "A" Frame type sign. We have customers who come in and complain that even a Signicade Deluxe isn't durable or heavy enough to survive rough handling by careless employees, high winds, etc.
We do a lot of work for several event planners including a couple major marathons, cycling events, triathlons, etc... and the number of signs per event runs in the hundreds. Cost is a major issue for an event that lasts one or two days max.
The cost of getting one with more than the generic business type images being offered seems to be prohibitive for such events. Or if the event planner supplied artwork for hundreds of different signs to be done in the a frame shape, what would the art processing fees look like?
Again, not trashing the idea, just asking what I think are real world questions about it.