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New Member
Al, I will take with me your positive morning posts on facebook and promise to love those in my life and will stop to hear a bird sing. every time I do, I will appreciate all that makes this world a loving beautiful place and will always think of you on a sunny morning when the robins sing. peace to you my friend, you mom is waiting to welcome you


Just Me
I sent a link to this thread to one of our friends that is visiting him. Here is her response:

I put it on his wall and putting it on Ivana hoping she has access to it and can read it to him I know he still hears us...I wont be up there tonight or tomorrow the movers are coming to move me and I have to get moved.. I am praying hard for him I might show up at 1 in the morning if he is still with us..I will see how I feel. I am exhausted. Thank you Stacy for sharing with his co-workers and sharing the link with me it is beautiful


New Member
Al i haven't stopped praying for you since we last chatted in May... i soooo wish i'd made it out over the summer... but really, i didn't need to meet you in person to know you or care about you.... been staring at my screen for 20 minutes now.... i'm simply at a loss

just speechless and hearbroken

we said we'd chat again...
i will, even if i have to do it publicly on my wall, even if you can't write back

i love you


New Member
big dawg wanted me to post

tonight Al's lady friend Ivana read all of your posts to Al because he can still listen and is aware of what is going on around him even tho he is so gravely ill. She wanted me to tell you all thank you and she is sure that all that you have said gives him peace.dispite everything we are still praying for a miracle.


Active Member
Thank you very much for the update Robin. He has touched many lives here in this world, to a far greater depth than he could ever know. I like to think that if his time has come, then there is another, greater, more important journey and task he will embark upon. Although I never met him personally face to face, I admire and respect the man and will think of him often. "BIG" pertaining to his life is understated.


New Member
on Aug 13th, al posted a quote from Robert Brault "what a snapshot is to your life, your life is to eternity, so wouldn't it be nice if eternity captured you smiling"


Just Me
Our much-loved friend Al has moved on - he passed a little earlier today.

Ride free, my friend.

"May the road rise to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face.
May the rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again may God hold you in the palm of His hand."

Letterbox Mike

New Member
So sad.

I never met Al in person but we did some business together and communicated via Facebook and on the phone from time to time and he always struck me as a genuinely good person. I always said if I was ever in his neck of the woods I wanted to spend some time with him, I felt there was something to be learned from him.

Good luck Al, I believe you will be missed by a lot of people.


New Member
It's so hard to see people we respect and love leave too early in life, brother Al you have touched many and are missed tremendously, god bless you brother.



New Member
I just saw this and I'm heartbroken. Al was a great designer and an amazing guy. His family and close friends will be in my thoughts. Man I will miss that guy. R,I.P. my friend :( I hope they treat you well at the big motorcycle shop in the sky.