What makes you a "sign-maker"? According to some, those qualifications aren't met by 98% of the people in the sign business. There are people that make Channel letters and do nothing but that. I think they are sign makers. I've never built or installed a channel letter. There are people that do nothing but electronic displays. Are they sign makers? They engineer, sell, and install electronic signs all day. I've never made or installed one of those. Are people that make ADA signs, sign makers? They wouldn't know which end of a plotter to put the material in if they are using Photopolymer. Do you have to know it all to be called a "Sign Maker"? Or is it a dollar threshold? I know franchise owners doing millions a year. Are they sign makers?
What's the importance of the label? None, I'd argue. You can be in the SIGN BUSINESS and not be someone that people write books about. Who would you rather be, the Sign Shop Owner that is doing $2M a year in revenue or the "Sign Maker" that can't make enough on his/her own to pay their bills? I know both. The last "Sign Maker" I had a relationship with now drives a truck for a living because he couldn't make it as a "Sign Maker". And I'm sure there are true artists that are making a killing and franchise owners that are in the toilet.
What difference does it make? We're all good at various things in the SIGN BUSINESS. You might be better at some things, I might excel at others. If we share that knowledge, we'll both be smarter and more educated about the business.
I'm sure many of you are just like me, when sitting at stoplights, or out in traffic, you are always looking at signs,etc. I see stuff that's been there for a long time and I think there were just as many hacks out there in 1980 as there are today. I can't remember the last time I saw a car graphic that was top notch, yet those people keep selling them and people keep buying them. I've also seen some of the crappiest hand painted work ever, praised by people because it was "hand painted", even though it was horrid.
Brokers are just people, nothing special about them, per se. Some are bad, some are good, some get it, some don't, some will help you build your business, some will screw you. Pretty much the same rule with everyone else in life. People are people.
Just my opinion.