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SIGNS365.com - is destroying my reputation and costing me $$


Premium Subscriber
There is always a 'guy like you' that chimes in with judgmental negativity....I don't do work to make slim to no profit. You may choose to do that, and that is fine. Signs365 is an ENORMOUS facility with wide ranging quality services. I have had excellent interaction with them until just recently.... which I believe is more related to an employee management problem rather than a corporate-wide breakdown or an inherently poor business model.

They stepped up to the plate and made this last snafu 'right'...... once I got the Manager involved. In fact, they slid my missing banners into production and next-day shipped them to my customer in time for the event...and credited me the total of the job. Thus, my amended post.

I take offense to your smug comment that I am a skinflint who has unrealistic expectations. It sounds to me like you resent wholesale shops because it cuts into your OVERpriced products?

Judgmental Negativity..... what in the world was the title of this thread ??

You don't work to make slim to no profit ?? How in the world do you quote ?? You don't figure what you're gonna charge and then find the least expensive candidate to fulfill your order, do you ?? Most people would get their prices, put their markups on top and hope for the best.

Your original opening title and remarks were all 110% negative and ruining your business. A little dramatic to start..... or is the drama coming in now ?? Who cares what the problem was employee vs corporate break-down..... whose interested in your hearsay ?? Just speak the facts and let it all pan out as it will.

This was a happy ending, but you just ruined your own ending by adding more drama. No one to blame but yourself for this one.

One thing more I might add. You were originally the one who had the wrong closed days and timing all messed up, but managed to get some girl in trouble who was probably trying to help you, but seeing how this thread went, I guess she got the brunt of your mouth also..... and when she gave it back, you snitched on her.

Yep, real happy ending..............


Magna Cum Laude - School of Hard Knocks
I'm usually selling more than a banner, or a yard sign (two of the products I will frequently sub out). I'm selling a service that includes selecting the right product for the application and most of the time design, and often the installation. So the cost of the sign is often a small percentage of the bill. Wish it was as small as a cup of paint used to figure in the value of a sign.

You touched on it all right there. Something we try to stress to our clients. We aren't selling a banner. We are a service business. Offering your expertise in design, marketing, knowledge....if the customer doesn't perceive that value, they will only look at the what the banner cost them and determine whether to use you again or not.
So back to the 'reputation' thing....that is all on you, not a thrid party you relied on for a rush job that was closed 4 days out of the week you ordered it.

Pat Whatley

New Member
I think I'm at around 600 orders with them. I'm pretty sure I've had problems with only three of them that were the fault of Signs365 and they went above and beyond to fix them. Customer service has always been polite and easy to deal with. Every time I hear these "horror" stories about Signs365 I have to believe there's a whole lot more to the story than what we get to hear.

Johnny Best

Active Member
Hopefully Todd-sta did not destroy Signs365 reputation in any manner with him posting this, because they did do him right in the end and his reputation was not damaged and he saved money.
As have stated, I like Signs365 and have never had a problem.


New Member
Time sensitive order + Signs365 = Total disaster.

Our equipment was offline waiting for parts, so I placed an order for banners with their "Guaranteed Overnight" delivery service, only to have half the order show up and have the order get sent to Timbuktu. I called and get a no-nothing CSR on the phone and ask them, "So what is the 'Guarantee'?" Turns out, THERE IS NO GUARANTEE. He's trying to counsel me on how to talk to my customer to make it OK that the banners for their event (that is tonight) will not be there. Would not offer a refund. I called the bank to stop the payment on the credit card. These people are the absolute worst.


New Member
I don't think I've used signs365.com in a long time. Not because of bad service or printing. I just found two sources that can handle my projects that I don't have the time or can earn more working on other things as both have good wholesale prices and turnaround times.

I stick to what works for us... If we are slammed in the shop when larger banners or more in qty that we want to mess with at that time then it's Signs2Trade and B2Sign. Both have good equipment and pretty simple websites to process an order.

Nobody is perfect... But I trust them to do a good job and I have very high standards when it comes to the final product provided to our clients.

Sorry, you had an issue with signs365. We all make mistakes and it can happen to the best shops in the world. Just something to think about for the long term. I know it's not easy when it's in the moment...


New Member
Hmmm let me see....You seek out the rock bottom priced sign mill to do your signs and there service is not perfect.
What are you expecting at the prices they do banners for.

I revisited this thread and was about to post these almost exact words..
sounds like OP doesn't like the harsh truth.


Merchant Member
Greg, I apologize again for the FedEx shipping delay.

We tried getting a hold of you a couple times with no luck. We show that the package delivered yesterday, and I'd like to know if your client can still use the banner for the event later in August.

As stated by Jake during your initial phone call if your customer cannot use the banner we will gladly refund the price on the ENTIRE order. Not just the banner that was held up at the FedEx terminal in Memphis on Wednesday.

Please give us a call.

Matt Phillipsa


New Member
ARRRGGGG. I don't know why I trusted them to make a mesh banner for us. I ordered it 9:30am on Tuesday, and just logged in to see why I wasn't emailed shipping info. Guess what? It was "delayed in production so it won't leave until today." F'ing h*ll.

I don't actually need it until tomorrow, but I HATE not having a day to inspect before I deliver an outsourced product. And what if I don't get it tomorrow? graaaaaa

Users beware.

Christian @ 2CT Media

Active Member
ARRRGGGG. I don't know why I trusted them to make a mesh banner for us. I ordered it 9:30am on Tuesday, and just logged in to see why I wasn't emailed shipping info. Guess what? It was "delayed in production so it won't leave until today." F'ing h*ll.

I don't actually need it until tomorrow, but I HATE not having a day to inspect before I deliver an outsourced product. And what if I don't get it tomorrow? graaaaaa

Users beware.
Setting yourself up with a tight deadline and outsourcing is not good. You can't blame them if there is a production delay, we all have them in this business and it's not like you are paying a premium for a product with a guaranteed delivery date.

Mark H

New Member
Two recent banner jobs with SIGNS365.COM were incorrectly produced, and it is beginning to cost me both my reputation and income.

The latest snafu was a time-sensitive banner job, which I allowed ample buffer time, to produce for a local tv station that is promoting a major 'capitol city' festival.

I received 1 of the several banners I ordered - along with a whole bunch of some other Sign Shop's banners (that were apparently for a 4th of July event as they had the following printed on them: Business of the Year / July 4th, 2017 ) which I received a day before the 4th. Unfortunately, the other Sign Shop's banners I received were meant to be shipped to the opposite side of the country, so they are not getting their banners either. I tried calling the other Sign Shop to alert them to what happened and they did not answer or return my call so I guess their event will be sans banners.

So, my banners were needed by July 6th. SIGNS365.COM was obviously closed Monday and Tuesday, July 3 and 4. Called them this morning, and the Customer Service gal decided that being argumentative and rude in the face of their mistake was the appropriate response. When I asked that my missing banners be created and shipped for a Thursday (day of the event for my customer) delivery, she said they could not do that, because 'nobody is in production today' (Wednesday, July 5th'). I find that hard to believe since they had both the Monday the 3rd and Tuesday the 4th off.

I told her I was unhappy with that non-solution, and that their mistakes were starting to cost me both my reputation and income. She replied that she did not think that missing banners would affect my reputation...and defended their incompetency. I asked her if it was her customers and money coming out of her pocket, would she be upset? She replied 'no.' lol...... another useless idiot. She repeatedly talked over me when I was trying to explain the importance of my order. If she were my employee, she would be fired on the spot. Customer Service is about finding solutions and thinking outside the box to help customers in difficult situations, especially when the difficult situation was created by THEIR company.

So, all this to tell you: Beware.... I see a trend starting here. A company that was once dependable and rock solid is , at least in my case, stumbling more frequently - and at least *this* particular Customer Service employee would be better suited to placing incorrect orders at the McDonald's drive thru, because she obviously doesn't give a crap.

I have always had success with B2signs, even ifI upgrade to 2nd day sipping the price is good.


Premium Subscriber
My advice.....by local and support family owned businesses. They are more responsive and tend to care more about their customers. Had that happened at our facility we would have brought people in on the holiday to fix the issues. If someone is local, with the right company, you can get issues fixed same day. Small businesses are the backbone of this economy and in our industries race to the bottom on pricing, there will be no winners.


Premium Subscriber
Why was that guy targeted for hawking his wares and nobody else is ??

That seems more unfair than the original post.​