Um i don't put anyone down. I'm actually more helpful then most on here. Why don't you do a little research before you point fingers at people.
I meant individuals within this community, not specifically you. Sorry for the confusion.
Um i don't put anyone down. I'm actually more helpful then most on here. Why don't you do a little research before you point fingers at people.
How much is a sign?
Well I don't want a candy coated gumdrop section saying "Don't worry Timmy lets relocate your question to the fluff n stuff room and we can tell you your design is just peachy. We will shelter you from the real world. With the Snarky remarks there are usually understanding supportive remarks also. I am against participation ribbons and there will always be smart asses even on a snark free zone. who would police it anyway.
Um i don't put anyone down. I'm actually more helpful then most on here. Why don't you do a little research before you point fingers at people.
Don't know who you think you are but if you knew anything about me you would know I was joking around.
I VERY rarely post snarky responses. I've you're convinced I'm a worthless piece of chit you can go ahead and search through my thousands of posts and let us know just how many are snarky or not trying to be helpful.
I come on here on a daily basis to learn, help when I can, and see what the members here (some of which I would consider friends) are up to. I'll even usually try to help those newbies that come on with the whole "how much is the best printer and how quickly can I print stickerz with it".
Which brings me to my next question.... don't you have better things to do than whine about how mean everyone is? Suck it up, no one cares about your poll.
Like you said, if something bothers you - move on instead of posting useless nonsense.
Is that sarcasm?Sarcasm doesn't really work here.
The evil that men do lives after them; the good is oft interred with their bones.
William Shakespeare
For every snarky and unhelpful post, there are hundreds that are the opposite. Someone seeking help is well advised to pick out the helpful replies and ignore those that are not. For management to actively try to eliminate those that are rude/snarky would result in an exodus of active members and Signs 101 becoming a ghost town.
For every snarky and unhelpful post, there are hundreds that are the opposite. Someone seeking help is well advised to pick out the helpful replies and ignore those that are not. For management to actively try to eliminate those that are rude/snarky would result in an exodus of active members and Signs 101 becoming a ghost town.
Really?? Really?? :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:Maybe you should search your own posts a bit.
A Fluff n Stuff room sounds interesting... Tell me more ...
Yes, there is definitely a new feel to this place and it's not nice, but whoever said life was all fun and games ?? Many people don't take any criticism to heart regardless of the delivery. You look at degrading and harsh criticisms as demeaning and cruel, but who learns anything when just talked to in a kind gentle voice ?? No one. Nothing and no one is taken seriously until you're hit right between the eyes. With your attitude, we could just tell kids in school.... you didn't fail every subject this semester, Johnny, because you're stoopid, you're just not given a chance. Sure, you're not a bright person, but then what's that matter ?? All the other kids here will carry you. They'll do your homework, look up your notes, tell ya where everything is located and maybe even let you cheat off their own papers, cause they don't want you upset. Besides, a happy stoopid person is better than a leech.
So I guess all the worthless pieces of sh1t trolls are all going to come out in this thread. Its like I'm dangling candy in front of everyone who has so little joy in their lives they have to put down people on an internet forum. Bravo.
I never said this was a snark-free zone. Snark away.
I'm not suggesting the entire site be snark free. Far from it. I would just like a little All Holds Barred corner. ONE small space where I can browse and not be disgusted by the human race. A page where all the responses are civil and productive. Even if its empty, it will be my sanctuary. Free from people who think treating others like garbage is a full-time job. Filled with encouraging and positive remarks. If Fred thinks that having one page where people are required to post with manners is going to cause a reduction in traffic to this site, than we are all damned. Seriously. We all might as well just give up on the human race.
I don't know if you're a religious person, but I'm sure you could find a closet or some empty room in a church for your sanctuary to save the human race.
If you don't like the question, just ignore it and move on with your day.