This doesn't comment does not make sense.
Anyway, why post if you have nothing positive to say? I'm actually asking you a direct question. Why do you insist on making rude or non-sense comments? Does it make you feel better to put others down? Please, I'm really curious, this is not a hypothetical or sarcastic question.
Okay, you asked, I'll deliver. However, if you don't like my answers, please don't condemn me.... for it will scar me for life.
I've been around the block a few times and have seen many people come & go and I'm not talking about this place. The people that go... are
Losers. Yes, big time
Losers. They play the game but know nothing about rules. For the most part, this place has a good amount of people with good intentions, just most likely bored to death with the ruthless stoopid questions. Do you know how many times the exact same thing is asked almost word for word and these people want you to serve the answer up on a silver platter,
JUST because they asked ?? Are they too stoopid to look it up for themselves ?? Are they too lazy ?? Are they in the wrong business ?? Are they really qualified to be doing most of this stuff ?? When one asks certain questions in a particular order with certain no knowledge of the jargon or awareness for this industry, it can't be another sign professional..... it has to be a noobie. So, what's wrong with asking a 9 year old kid, what he's doing in the 12th grade biology class ?? How'd you get in ?? Why are you here ?? Do you know more than the average 16 year old ?? You ask questions so you know what you're dealing with if they haven't told you or given you a note as to why or how they got into the wrong classroom.
I don't regard 99% of what I say as being rude. You do, but not me. Although my posts are generally lengthy, they are to the point and both the OP and other viewers can generally catch my drift. I don't write in cryptic un-grammar, poor spelling or non-punctuation forms like many around here. I've been educated and feel sorry for those who can't spell on a sign forum and make silly excuses for it. I don't beat around the bush, and I don't sugar coat much anything. I don't feel better about any answers, but then I don't feel bad about any either. Why would you ask such a frivolous question like that ??
Sounds like you have a problem with people and you want to control them since you can't control anyone else in your life, so as Fred mentioned, you're just reaching out with your cyber-muscled tongue and jawing about nothing.
So, if any of this bothers you, don't ever ask me a direct question and your little feelings will be spared.