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Snark-Free Response Forum

Do you want a SNARK-FREE forum?

  • I want and would contribute to the Snark Free Discussions

    Votes: 41 29.9%
  • SNARKYNESS FOREVER. Grow a thicker skin, newb!

    Votes: 61 44.5%
  • Snark-free is okay with me. I'll just ingore the discussions I can't be positive on.

    Votes: 35 25.5%

  • Total voters


Active Member
i personally think, you learn a LOT more than you think from "snarky" responses.
ok, maybe there's a lot to say about "there's no dumb questions, only dumb answers" BUT sometimes a reminder of how "stupid" the question is, reminds you to think a little harder FOR YOURSELF before asking another "stupid" question in the future.


Premium Subscriber
Just tried it. It works somewhat better now.


For what it's worth, I couldn't find squat under the old system. Mind ya, I'm no computer wiz, but this new set up is quite nice. I find things much easier now, than before. :thumb:


Just Me
I'm kind of a rainbows and lollipop gal myself for the most part. But I'm also a b**ch when the mood hits... and sometimes it hits at the most unfortunate times. Especially when my fingers do the talking.

So while I try not to be rude to the new people that come on board, I don't hold a whole lot back from those that have been on here for years. It's more familiararity than anything else... like quibbling siblings. (say that ten times fast :smile:)

I agree with those that say no to the snark-free zone. Who is going to monitor it? Who gets to decide who is going to be hurt by what post? As an admin, I have seen some people get SERIOUSLY upset behind the scenes at things that were insignificant to me. It would be like that for anyone - you simply don't know how someone is going to take something you type. I have always agreed with Fred that censoring posts should be done with the lightest of hands. I've seen the PMs back and forth when he DOES have to delete or modify a comment (which is rare). It's a fine line Fred walks to keep this place going - like someone said... if you don't like it - start your own forum.

There is a certain level of "snarkiness" (and I'm not sure that's the right word, but I'll go with it) in the tone of the forum. I think it's because this is a professional sign forum... and it gets tiring to answer the same question over and over. I'd rather tell the guy asking if he should glue a sign panel over the doorway that he is a dumbass for even thinking that would be okay than to throw out an answer and know that because it will cost more/take more time/require more labor/whatever... they aren't going to listen. And in some cases (such as this example) someone could get hurt.

So while I appreciate the thought from the OP, I just don't see how that happens in real life. The fact that there is such a wide range of personalities and life experiences here means you learn to ignore those you can't agree with or you choose to be insulted and hurt. I'd much rather ignore someone being a prick than insulate myself away in a false cocoon.


New Member
If you don't like something, change it; if you can't change it, change the way you think about it. ” ― Mary Engelbreit


Trump 2020
Whoever first (not you frankensign) said there are no stupid questions, or I will never change as a person, IS AN IDIOT.

Stupid is Stoopid, AND anyone who thinks "I will never change as a person" is an idiot. Evolution.

Carry on. :bushmill:
If you think this is bad you should check out a forum for professional tattoo artists. You've really never had your a** handed to you until you've entered that arena.

Just ignore those whose comments are condescending in nature. It's as easy as that.


Premium Subscriber
Bigdawg, that was one of the best posts I've seen in a long time.

I'm not talking about yours, but............ yeah, I am. That was spot on. :thumb:

You get a Gold Star. gold+star .jpg


New Member
If don't like the topic, just pass it and move on to your interested ones rather than with snarky remarks cause everyone has his own right.


New Member
There is a certain level of "snarkiness" (and I'm not sure that's the right word, but I'll go with it) in the tone of the forum. I think it's because this is a professional sign forum... and it gets tiring to answer the same question over and over.

I'm supposing that the reason there are an abundance of noob questions is likely due to the name of the forum/board itself. In academia "101" is generally accepted as being for beginners. I can see how a noob might be easily confounded as to why there are so many smart alecs/snark sharks on a "noob/101" board.

Just say'n.



Premium Subscriber
I'm supposing that the reason there are an abundance of noob questions is likely due to the name of the forum/board itself. In academia "101" is generally accepted as being for beginners. I can see how a noob might be easily confounded as to why there are so many smart alecs/snark sharks on a "noob/101" board.

Just say'n.


You hit on something here, that has always been my beef about this very topic.

Although most of us are serious sign people and want to be shoulder to shoulder in rank with fellow sign people.... we never know what's on the other end of that cyber keyboard. While it says s101 and that sounds like a beginners gates to freedom of the trade....... in my understanding..... it still is for professionals, students and anyone wanting to get into the business. Anyone trying their best to get better, achieve a goal or just wanna pass around trade topics. What it's not for is those people who come in here pretending to be in the trade, when in fact they are just trying to by-pass their local sign shop by buying a cheap cutter and coming here asking stoopid questions which are so evident, it ain't funny. When it becomes quite obvious within just a few posts or requests, the majority of people will pounce on them.

Why is it, none of these wannabees try their hand at being an electrician, a dentist, school teacher, or buy a restaurant franchise or a Dairy Queen ?? Cause it takes too much time, costs too much and they want a cheap fix. If you're dumb enough to hand over the family jewels just because everyone deserves a fair and decent start..... I got a bridge you might wanna buy, too.

Look, it doesn't take anyone too long to recognize a wolf in sheep's clothing, does it ?? Unless you're another sheep and it's dark outside. Most people will jump the gun while others may set a pace for this kind of trend/witch hunt. I don't like liars. That's in any form, whether it be words, deeds or just personality. Back-pedaling and stoopid answers are the biggest give-away to someone who has seen this for years on end. Ya never heard of it until the internet. Even when computers first came on board, they were still tools and used well by sign shops for a decade. However, with modern technology, the lamest person can now generate signs of all kinds and not know a single thing about the trade..... or care about codes, safety or other important aspects of the trade.

It's quite simple. I wanna help those who want to help themselves... and grow into respectible sign people. A$$wipes, hobbyists and wannabees are 99.9% worthless and don't deserve a break. Maybe, just maybe one here or there could change their stripes, but that is truly a rarity.

Is this behavior good.... bad ?? I dunno, but at least I have a method and stick to it.

I've seen so many good answers and replies to newbie questions and even lurkers/trolls questions/threads and they still b!tch. That's because, unless the answers are given by their standards, they don't even know a good one when it's staring them straight in the face. Do you understand how much that happens, not just here at s101, but out on the street... in life... in general. People are all looking for that quick-cheap fix for everything and when they don't get it..... they cry and complain about how cruel the world or government or whatever they can blame is to them.

Okay, I'm done for a while. Wait til after 6 and I'll really tell ya what I think............. :rolleyes:


New Member
Do you understand how much that happens, not just here at s101, but out on the street... in life... in general. People are all looking for that quick-cheap fix for everything and when they don't get it..... they cry and complain about how cruel the world or government or whatever they can blame is to them.

Okay, I'm done for a while. Wait til after 6 and I'll really tell ya what I think............. :rolleyes:

I experienced this very thing last week - I am an online college student (graduating Nov 25th of this year *throwing confetti*) and am currently in a class that is essentially a recap of all classes pertaining to the major. We have to pull from lessons covered in the last x-teen years.

All of the students in this class are in a similar situation to mine (short timers) - anyway - there are a couple who have been sqwaking because an assignment was not written to be discerned by a third grader and the answers were not spoon fed to them.

IMHO if they do not have the skills to research and deduce, they have no right to that college degree.

Heaven help the folks they encounter waving the "I have a degree paper".

*pushing the soapbox back to the corner*


New Member
Look, it doesn't take anyone too long to recognize a wolf in sheep's clothing, does it ?? Unless you're another sheep and it's dark outside. Most people will jump the gun while others may set a pace for this kind of trend/witch hunt. I don't like liars. That's in any form, whether it be words, deeds or just personality. Back-pedaling and stoopid answers are the biggest give-away to someone who has seen this for years on end. Ya never heard of it until the internet. Even when computers first came on board, they were still tools and used well by sign shops for a decade. However, with modern technology, the lamest person can now generate signs of all kinds and not know a single thing about the trade..... or care about codes, safety or other important aspects of the trade.

It's quite simple. I wanna help those who want to help themselves... and grow into respectible sign people. A$$wipes, hobbyists and wannabees are 99.9% worthless and don't deserve a break. Maybe, just maybe one here or there could change their stripes, but that is truly a rarity.

I think you really summed it up nicely. used to be the only people getting into the sign biz were future sign people. now it seems anyone with a couple of bucks thinks they can buy a "vinyl cutter" and make extra money from their spare bedroom. we had one the other day who was a refrigerator tech who said he just wanted to sell stuff we "real" sign people don't want to make like decals. he had a customer and wanted design help. he put no time or effort into picking up a book or doing any work on his own to learn, he just wanted people to tell him how to make it look good under the guise of "learning". asking questions and opinions is what this is all about. picking the brains of those who have spent the time to learn as a short cut to your hobby will get you some nasty snarky responses. on the other hand I have seen over and over again questions asked and answers given when the person really is a newbie in our world and not jsut here to milk out some info so they can run their Circut.


New Member
Yawn.... Why is it some people dwell and complain about the same thing over and over again? I can understand all your frustration of having to point the newbies like myself in the right direction every two fricken seconds. Also some members here jump the gun about stolen vectors or designs ultra fast. And I guess why not, in this day and age everything can be copied and spread like wild fire. As in my case the only stolen image was of a Mr.wilson volleyball posted by a so called pro here on the site. Did I complain and try and blame them for using stolen graphics, Nope I saw the humor in it and moved on. I also agree with Gino as I hate liars, but I also dislike people who jump the gun and make sh!t to make the story to fit the complaint that they conjured in their head. (Which would fit the bill as a liar)

So in the end I wouldn't mind a snark free area but then again I don't mind getting my *** handed to me if its needed.

Now...... Where is that refrigerator wrench...........


Premium Subscriber
Yawn.... Why is it some people dwell and complain about the same thing over and over again? I can understand all your frustration of having to point the newbies like myself in the right direction every two fricken seconds. Also some members here jump the gun about stolen vectors or designs ultra fast. And I guess why not, in this day and age everything can be copied and spread like wild fire. As in my case the only stolen image was of a Mr.wilson volleyball posted by a so called pro here on the site. Did I complain and try and blame them for using stolen graphics, Nope I saw the humor in it and moved on. I also agree with Gino as I hate liars, but I also dislike people who jump the gun and make sh!t to make the story to fit the complaint that they conjured in their head. (Which would fit the bill as a liar)

So in the end I wouldn't mind a snark free area but then again I don't mind getting my *** handed to me if its needed.

Now...... Where is that refrigerator wrench...........

:ROFLMAO: :Big Laugh hahahahaha............... I don't get it ?? :Oops:

First you disagree, then you agree, then you disagree again, then you go in another direction, then you insinuate what you dont agree with and then you want a bodily part handed to you which sounds alomst physically impossible. What the heck are you on ??

Where is that refrigerator light bulb ?? I got nine blonds here ready to twist it in. By the way, did you hear about the brunette that told the blond she saw a dead bird ?? The blond kept looking up saying.... Where ?? Where ?? Where?? I don't see a dead bird.


New Member
Is there a fridge tech forum?

I'm going over there now to ask them whether the light really goes out when you shut the door.

....wish me luck.