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Snark-Free Response Forum

Do you want a SNARK-FREE forum?

  • I want and would contribute to the Snark Free Discussions

    Votes: 41 29.9%
  • SNARKYNESS FOREVER. Grow a thicker skin, newb!

    Votes: 61 44.5%
  • Snark-free is okay with me. I'll just ingore the discussions I can't be positive on.

    Votes: 35 25.5%

  • Total voters

John Butto

New Member
Yawn.... Why is it some people dwell and complain about the same thing over and over again? I can understand all your frustration of having to point the newbies like myself in the right direction every two fricken seconds. Also some members here jump the gun about stolen vectors or designs ultra fast. And I guess why not, in this day and age everything can be copied and spread like wild fire. As in my case the only stolen image was of a Mr.wilson volleyball posted by a so called pro here on the site. Did I complain and try and blame them for using stolen graphics, Nope I saw the humor in it and moved on. I also agree with Gino as I hate liars, but I also dislike people who jump the gun and make sh!t to make the story to fit the complaint that they conjured in their head. (Which would fit the bill as a liar)

So in the end I wouldn't mind a snark free area but then again I don't mind getting my *** handed to me if its needed.

Now...... Where is that refrigerator wrench...........
fresh is right, this feels so much better...


Active Member
I post things I would say face to face. When someone starts a post asking for simple stuff like dimensions they're gonna get an earful.
Like has been said before this is a professional site for professionals or those that really have a burning desire to learn the trade. Asking for uber simple things is beyond my comprehension. How can I cut this straight? How long is this part? How many square feet to cover a truck bed etc...? This is the information age people! Use the tools at hand! Google, YouTube and the Search function on this site are good places to start. Sometimes a simple tape measure and 5 minutes of your life will reveal a plethora of information. More importantly use your own brain power. It is the path to learning.

My take on the deal. When you ask a question about the most basic of shop tasks it tells me you want others to do your work. Lazy, plain and simple.
Sometimes this elicit a WTF response from me. Most times I won't even bother.

I am not here to hold peoples hands. My time on Signs 101 is for learning, contributing, but also take my beatings when deserved.

Some people are just not a good fit for certain things in life including certain forums.

If you can't spot the crazy person on the bus it's you.

Best regards,



Premium Subscriber
I am handing/offering these :snarky out to each and every member in this thread. I'm taking three for myself, which with my calculations gives fresh about 47.

Treat them nice and you will be happy and kind to everyone from here on out !! :Oops:


New Member
I'll agree that, when I first started posting here, I was a little turned off by what I considered to be just outright hatefulness coming from a few of the posters here. For some reason, I've yet to be on the receiving end.

However, I came to realize that there are only a few, and that there's no reason to let that spoil the entire experience. Those poor miserable souls are actually more fun to laugh at. No need to let them rustle your jimmies (whatever that means).

I guess I just decided that this forum is the most resourceful sign forum on the internets (both of them), so I'm willing to put with snarkiness, snarkisms, and all forms of snarkology.

So, in short, I say we keep the snarkiness. At least to some degree. Consider it a skin-thickness test, maybe?

Also, this forum needs more bitter wall dogs that are still upset that "vinyl hacks" have "ruined the business" for everybody in the industry.

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Go Bills!
If you can't spot the crazy person on the bus it's you.

that is a great line....

I would guess i'm a snarker, but i'm a snarker in real life too, so ignore me in cyberspace as well as real life and we'll both be better off.....


New Member
It would be nice if the atmosphere around here were more professional. I dont talk to my clients, coworkers, or business partners the way people speak to each other on here. I come here for (ideally) professional advise and ideas. Its off putting the way certain topics get politicised or when someone comes in with an ego and starts insulting. Im here to LEARN. Not spout my ideals.


New Member
See? Snark in full effect. This is a poll asking for opinions. Its posts like the one above that drag this forum down. From a "premium" member no less.

Biker Scout

New Member
Boo Hoo! Must suck to work in your office. Can't joke or jibe with your co-workers. Boring.

Here's something you may not understand about sign painters, sign makers in general. They are basically renegades of the art and display industry. The fact that you are wanting to thrive in a corporate, rigid environment, really stymies creativity and hampers true good feelings amongst the right brain crowd. They feel trapped and bottled up. Which is why most of them own their own shops, so they can do and say what they want.

You wanna work at FedEx-Kinkos, be my guest. But the real talented folks are just slightly off color in their everyday lives. 15° off normal, if you will.

Biker Scout

New Member
And this is the inner-webs anyway... are you seriously expecting decorum from faceless avatars posting in a chat room or forum? Really?

And you can say, that people hide behind their keyboards and would never speak in such a manner to you in person. Well, not sign guys... I expect everyone of them to be as snarky and unfiltered in real life. I find that more honest and refreshing than anyone who won't speak their mind. I don't trust those people.

Come to my office, I'll tell it like I see it as well. I can even insult you to your face AND have you laughing right along with me and anyone else standing by. I'm quite charming in person, but brutally honest as well.


It's better to have two hands than one glove.
See? Snark in full effect. This is a poll asking for opinions. Its posts like the one above that drag this forum down. From a "premium" member no less.

No sport, this is a thread in a forum. Here people post whatever it might please them to post for whatever reason or no reason at all. You get do do the same.

Persons who are tight a$ses, such as you give every appearance of being, are far more amusing than the usual sort of respondents one might hear from in such a thread. Keep up the good work.


Profane and profane accessories.
I have commented on this very thing before (though in different words) and I stand by it- some of the folks who comment here are flat-out a**holes. That said, censorship sucks, and goes against everything I believe in.
Wise-*** comments aside, most of the posters here manage to offer up helpful advice and I learn something every time I log in (even if it is just to ignore the ones who annoy me) and I'm not a "newbie" by any stretch of the imagination.
I can be snarky/sarcastic/or whatever you want to call it with the best of them. Frankly, I can be down-right unpleasant. But I will also do my best to help out those who I think are making an honest attempt to learn something, and I'm certainly not going to try to silence people I don't agree with.

So, yeah, man- just skip over the posts you're bothered by. Or just leave. Fred has done a fantastic job with Signs101, and I'm glad it's here- and glad to be a part of it, even if only a small part. And that's my .02.


Active Member
See? Snark in full effect. This is a poll asking for opinions. Its posts like the one above that drag this forum down. From a "premium" member no less.
Soooo you're saying that I not only have to payoff access to premium sections of this forum, but I also have to hold your hand and whisper sweet-nothings into your ear when your clearly being a whiny princess? Ummm no thanks.

Get some thicker skin or get off the internet. Censorship is a tool for dictators and a necessity for the weak-minded.


Active Member
Speaking of hypocrites, please refer to OP and checkout their forum posts and see how big of a waste of space this thread has become.
Get over it people. Stop asking stupid, repeated/searchable questions or at least start having more fun dealing with snarky responses.