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Discussion So, how many are gonna...............................


Premium Subscriber
kneel this Sunday ??

I don't find this political whatsoever. Regardless of how I feel or any one of you, I was always taught it was disrespect to your flag and country to not take your hat off, stand at ease or put your hand/hat over your heart during the singing of the National Anthem. You don't hafta sing along, but for a minute, just pay tribute to those who have given their all.

Kneeling, to me, might be a way of demonstrating your voice or hoisting a fist up in the air, but it just doesn't seem appropriate to me during that particular minute. Say it where you want, but just not there.

Can we have a civil discussion about this or are we gonna end up being just like the other idiots who can't discuss a feeling without bringing politics into it ?? I respect and understand the other side to protest the things they feel dearly about, but why at that particular moment ??

:thankyou: Gino


New Member
Protesting is the MOST fundamental basis for the United States.

Otherwise they would have to be kneeling for God Save the Queen.


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New Member
Perhaps those who have decided to undertake this tactic should walk in the boots of a soldier. One minute you are are fine and boom, in a second, your life and the lives of all those who love and care for you change as well. All who serve and have served chose to put themselves in harms way for the flag that waves, the anthem that so proudly we held and the freedom that so many have sacrificed to maintain. As a Vietnam Veteran and proud member of the Patriot Guard Riders I have witnessed first hand the cost of that freedom and it should never be taken lightly nor trivialized by any American.
This young man lost his life in Iraq. Jason left behind a loving mother, a wife, two young daughters and countless friends and fellow Marines who miss him every day!


Premium Subscriber
Thank you for your service.


......... and anyone else who has served or is serving.​


Active Member
Dad is a WWII vet and brother-in-law a Vietnam vet. Both are disgusted with the NFL.
Personally I never cared for any pro-sports players so never got into watching. The NFL could disappear and it wouldn't bother me a bit.


New Member
I too see it as disrespectful. My father and brother in law are veterans, along with several cousins, and I have a nephew in the army, and a neice who is a marine, and when I meet a soldier, I always thank them for their service.

Kneeling is a slap in the face...

And I also agree that the NFL could fold and I wouldn't care. Let those guys get a job and earn 30k a year, and they will appreciate all the money they make...


Quit buggin' me
I don't like it and don't really want to see it. If their bosses let them do it on company time it is on them.
Like some of the others I could care less if the players and owners lost their jobs but would feel bad for the blue collar workers who support the the NFL needing to find a new line of work.

wayne k
guam usa
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Active Member
I'm from Canada, so I don't really see the big issue with the flag. A lot of people have pride / respect for flags... but to me, a flag is a flag. You could piss all over the Canadian flag, and I wouldn't give a damn.

The NFL isn't protesting the flag, or the army, or vets, or anything like that - they're protesting brutality. It started with 1 guy doing it, but then someone nameless made such a huge deal out of it... and now it's a thing.

The players aren't doing it to try and piss off army vets, or disrespect what they've done for the Country - Some may see it as that, but thats not their intention.

Even if it were their intention... Isn't the right to protest / freedom what America is built on? The KKK hold rallys and parades, events all over the world... I don't agree with their views, but I'm not going to try to stop them from doing it.

That's the part that gets me. All them fights and everything over the confederate statues being removed, all the KKK / Neo Nazis protesting and starting fights (I'm not saying either side was innocent... I'm sure the anti-protestors started some fights too), Trump didn't really condemn them. He's spent more time on Twitter complaining about the NFL kneeling and peacfully protesting, than he spent on the charlottsville incident. Heck.. congress had to pass a resolution to get trump to condemn the white nationalist march.

My view is you either agree with the right to protest peacefully, or you don't. If the KKK want to march down the road spewing hate speech about black people, thats their right... I'll simply ignore them, and it wont bother me one bit. If the NFL players want to kneel during an anthem... Thats also their right, and if I don't like it I won't watch the game, or at least watch that part of the game (I hate all sports, so I don't watch it anyways).

the worlds becoming too PC. It's a free country, and and all the vets / army people who are upset, or supposed to be upset... are the same people who fought for these guys to have the right to protest like this.

I'm not saying what theyre doing is right - Or people dont have a right to be offended. I just think it's being blown up more than it should be. There are other more important issues going on right now.


Pr. Bear-Mon
Conflicted on this. We stand in our house hands over heart. I hate seeing the kneel but then speak with my stepson (huge nfl fan) and 2 post 9/11 combat tours who says he fought so they could kneel if they chose to. His view is one reason I would never take a knee.


New Member
taking a knee is a respectful way to protest and shed light on a national issue. we have a national problem we need to solve and I see the kneeling as a peaceful and respectful way to bring it to into the light. I also understand the symbol the flag represents to Americans. it has been our symbol of rally as a people. after 9/11 there were few places you could go without seeing our flag. people have given their lives to protect and preserve what it stands for. the flag and anthem isn't degraded by taking a knee, it is stronger as taking a knee, saying we have a problem, protesting injustice is about as American as it can get. cutting a hole in the middle of the flag and wearing it like a poncho like kid Rock did at a concert is a sign of disrepect yet he was invited to the White House. not sure why that is OK but peaceful protest is not


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New Member
I think it is disrespectful to everything this country stands for. I can understand the right to kneel, but all they are doing is pointing out the problem over and over without offering any kind of solution. They are grown men paid millions to play a game and they act like 12 year olds a lot of the time...not all.. but enough for me to not really pay much attention to the nfl at all anymore

want to make a difference? you play in the NFL and make millions of dollars? how about you stand up and go to the inner cities, to the suburbs, to rural areas where some of this "brutality" takes place and donate...time...money...effort.

donate your money to help fund education programs for both the citizens and law enforcement.
donate your time to spend with kids that need some guidance and not just a name on a uniform on tv every sunday that kneels down
donate an effort into creating a solution, not just pointing at a problem for attention
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New Member
They have the right to do this. I also have the right to say they're stupid for doing it. My opinion...if it ever gets to the point where one side or the other side maintain that you have no right to say your side, then we have a problem.


New Member
I think it is disrespectful to everything this country stands for. I can understand the right to kneel, but all they are doing is pointing out the problem over and over without offering any kind of solution. They are grown men paid millions to play a game and they act like 12 year olds a lot of the time...not all.. but enough for me to not really pay much attention to the nfl at all anymore

want to make a difference? you play in the NFL and make millions of dollars? how about you stand up and go to the inner cities, to the suburbs, to rural areas where some of this "brutality" takes place and donate...time...money...effort.

donate your money to help fund education programs for both the citizens and law enforcement.
donate your time to spend with kids that need some guidance and not just a name on a uniform on tv every sunday that kneels down
donate an effort into creating a solution, not just pointing at a problem for attention

they team members do a ton of work in the communites and donate money to youth groups as well as their time. what they are doing is working as we are talking about it.


Premium Subscriber
Again, this is great, we're all keeping this as a discussion and not attacking each other.

When I look at the various pictures here or the ones I've witnessed or seen over the decades, the kneeling has always taken place at a time when it was of a religious content, peaceful protest or just at your parents grave or some other loved one's placement. While kneeling is a very respectful and reverence deed, there is a time and place for it. Just not during the singing of our National Anthem. If they knelt and at least put their hands over their hearts, or face the flag, I would better understand, but to defiantly do it for anything other than a cheap form of notoriety, it's a worthless form of uneducated citizens...... and I use the term loosely.

I won't boycott the game, cause this will leak over to the baseball, basketball and other sports arenas in time and while I do enjoy listening or watching certain games from time to time, I will just hafta say, I lost almost all respect for these callous over-paid people.

I might add, like so many have said, these owners and whatnots, have shown their true colors, also. They, in my opinion, have sunk even lower on the human ladder.