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stick people


New Member
Joe, you inspired me to give it a try. I think I nailed it on my first try. You can use this for the back window of your car/truck if you like :)


  • horse.jpg
    73.2 KB · Views: 126


New Member
Would you do 6 of them for 25 each?

We just did.

I laugh when I see them on the road - and I laugh harder when I make the deposit.
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Joe Diaz

New Member
It's no wonder so many people cop an attitude here. He's not a beginner, he's not asking for prices, he's not giving away top secrets and you all want to belittle him.

Oh great another Gino Lecture, Strap in. :rolleyes:

Gino, that is the pot calling the kettle black right there. You cop more attitude then about anyone on here. You know what is about as bad as someone giving advice on how they run their business (on a forum where I thought that advice is wanted), You criticizing them for taking the time to do it. At least I'm trying to be helpful, regardless of my tone... Yeah I didn't answer his original question, but my original advice was meant to be helpful. You on the other hand haven't answered his original question either and have given him no real advice here that I can see. So where does that put you.

If he has been on this forum for 7 years you would think he would know asking where to find stick figure clip art would lead to some teasing. And to be fair A good portion of the attitude happened after he called people "smart a$$es".

And besides these threads aren't always about the people who ask the questions and those who respond. Perhaps those that haven't been in the business for 7 years or more might want to know the alternatives to shelling out $45.oo for clip art.

Joe Diaz

New Member
Joe, you inspired me to give it a try. I think I nailed it on my first try. You can use this for the back window of your car/truck if you like :)

LOL, Thanks, But it's supposed to be a brush in his hands though, not a sword.:thumb:

surf city

New Member
I hate those friggin stick figures too but, I make em and take the money as fast as I can. It's a pretty mindless task in between the usual work flow and generates coffee or lunch money.


Premium Subscriber
Oh… yeah, that’s right, Joe…. I forgot…. You’re the one we’re all supposed to listen to with bated breath.

Joe has spoken and the sky has opened up once again for all to soak up his wisdom. Give me a break. Lecture ?? That’s only an observation. If you can’t cope with it, I would suggest to you to stay away.

Your first paragraph makes about as much sense as tits on a bull.

Don’t assume what this OP does or doesn’t know… just answer the question or shut your trap. Don’t you think if he wanted a lesson in stick figure drawing he would’ve asked for that instead ??

You wanna be a teacher ?? Hone your communication skills and try to answer with answers to the question, unless you know the student is asking the question wrong or has it mixed up….. or is deliberately misguiding you. Anyway, you can only do this if you listen. Try it, you might like it.

I didn’t see any of that with this thread, but you all got your kicks out of how good you are at drawing stick figures. Guess that kinda chit makes you feel good about yourself.

As for me not answering his question, it wasn’t necessary. It was already answered by Red Ball. My interceding was merely an observation about the many people that elevated themselves above his level and made it quite evident of their thoughts. Actually, I wasn’t even considering you when I made my remark, but since you took such offense at it, I can only think now, you did have some malice in your posts.



Joe Diaz

New Member
Well most of that definitely has nothing to with the original topic. Seems that it has more to do your opinions about me. But I will respond to this:

Don’t assume what this OP does or doesn’t know… just answer the question or shut your trap. Don’t you think if he wanted a lesson in stick figure drawing he would’ve asked for that instead ??
I assumed he didn't know how easy it was based on this:
id rather spend time on larger jobs than drawing scanning tracing cleaning up
That is why I responded with the way it could be done in an easier and cheaper way. It sounded like he thought the process was more complicated then it actually is.

And speaking of making assumptions: I certainly didn't respond pointing out an easier process because I'm this arrogant know-it-all that you are trying to peg me as.. I was just trying to help. And if we are just supposed to "answer the question or shut your trap", why is yours still flapping?:Big Laugh


New Member
Never once in all my years in this industry have I ever been asked for these stick things.
However when I do get a request I know where I will be referring the work load.Here!


New Member
Dude! Don't turn them down.... price them so you do want to do them. If they bite you make money.......if they don't, you'll never hear from them again. Win/win.

Last one I did I charged $30 for.... still. was crazy. I guess I'd do them, but these people want proofs and REVISIONS for stick art. lol. Craziness. Oh, and they are apparently 99 cents online, so why am I not 99 cents?

And it can be 20-30 minutes haggling with them over their stick art. I find it easier to just politely say no unless I think it'll go easy.

Soccer moms....I'm telling you. PITA


Premium Subscriber
Well most of that definitely has nothing to with the original topic. Seems that it has more to do your opinions about me. But I will respond to this:

I assumed he didn't know how easy it was based on this: That is why I responded with the way it could be done in an easier and cheaper way. It sounded like he thought the process was more complicated then it actually is.

I certainly didn't respond pointing out an easier process because I'm this arrogant know-it-all that you are trying to peg me as.. I was just trying to help. And if we are just supposed to
"answer the question or shut your trap", why is yours still flapping?

You don't know by now ?? Mine's always flapping. :ROFLMAO:

Anyway, as I already pointed out to you..... nothing indeed has to do with the OP.... or you for that matter. I purposely had pointed out my remark had nothing to do with you. You brought yourself into it. You just came stomping in feeling guilty for some reason and then later on even guiltier than before. Get over it...... I did and I didn't even do anything wrong this time. :rolleyes:

Joe Diaz

New Member
Opps I forgot to add the Signs101 Hall Monitor cap on his head.

Just messing with you man. :Big Laugh
Back to work


New Member

These are the nicest I have seen yet.

...I bought a pack for about $20, but you can get more options for more money...

Got to be honest, i have had them for months now and have yet to sell one set.
I guess I should have started to charge my family!


New Member
I think it would be great fun to take a razor blade and scrape just the heads off of the stick family members. Imagine soccer mom putting the groceries away and discovering her symbolic family has been decapitated :) That would be funny as hell, not that I would really follow through on it. Or would I???????


New Member
I think it would be great fun to take a razor blade and scrape just the heads off of the stick family members. Imagine soccer mom putting the groceries away and discovering her symbolic family has been decapitated :) That would be funny as hell, not that I would really follow through on it. Or would I???????

promise to bail me out of jail and I'll decaptate the whole damn family and their little dog too...I hate those stupid stick people


New Member
But they're soooooo cute! SUV's have all sorts of cute things on back windows. I brake for kittens, I love flowers, my kid is so smart, he graduated from kindergarten!

And then... when they hit high school it's, my kid beat up your kid at San Quentin High School! The American Family :)

showcase 66

New Member
I was reading an article the other day in a housing magazine that some HOA are banning the stick figures on the cars on vehicles. Their reasoning for it was because they dont want people to know how many children are in each family. They are saying it is for the protection of the kids. I hate doing them but I have done them. When people ask me to do them, I cringe and say something like they are over done. why not do something original. I have a friend that is from Hawaii and he wanted his family crest , with is basically a tribal turtle with special markings, on the back glass of their van. It just looks like turtles to everyone, but to the family it is something special to them. Things like that I don mind to much. Stick figures. I hate.