In an uncharacteristic fit of charity we offer this sacrifice pop-up in keeping with the principle that he who has the last word loses. This is your big chance, just walk away.
We figure that an organism displaying your particular flavor and depth of pomposity is incapable of walking away. Think of this as a test, prove us wrong.
>>Well, I guess I'm an inept fool then.
That would appear to be the case. Your words, not ours. we have taken the time to read a few of your communiques and it appears that with your above delcaration that you're either engaging in a frenzy of understatement or simply being too easy on yourself.
>>But you seem to feel that anyone
>>reading your posts should analyze it to the last grammatical detail and
>>then be able to come away with an understanding that precisely
>>matches what you think you are communicating.
Not quite, we do expect anyone perusing ours or anyone elses's words do be able to read and comprehend simple declarative statements in basic English. You seem to have a problem with this.
>>You seem to care little about how poorly you communicate and how >>many strangers you will offend.
If someone chooses to be offended at something, that, sport, is their choice and their responsibility. As for caring or not caring, we are not sufficiently articulate to descride our utter lack of interest in someone else's behavioral choices.
>>The purpose of Signs 101 is to assist those who want assistance to
>>improve their skills, to solve problems and all benefit from the shared
>>information. Many, many more people are overwhelmed by the sheer
>>volume of information that must be absorbed to move from a starting
>>point to a productive point than are just asking questions out of laziness
>>... or worse that they have not acquired their software legally.
And this ought to be important to us in just what way? To those of us here at the home, the entire universe, all of it including this particular collection of 1's and 0's, exists only to serve our needs and to please us.
>>If I have a question about how to get a smooth cut in acrylic with my
>>panel saw, will your first assumption be that I'm lazy or that I obtained
>>the saw illegally.
It isn't often that one encounters such tortured reasoning in what is supposed to be an adult outside of a Baptist tent meeting.
>>All of which misses the real point.
We seriously doubt if you've ever been in the same zip code with the real point.
>>This forum is about community, learning and sharing. Common courtesy
>>and civility is the lubricant that keeps it running smoothly. Not exercises
>>in clever posting and use of language that either are intended to insult or
>>simply do so without care but can be defended later by grammatical
Gramatical analysis? Most normal people manage to get along merely by reading. Lots of them even manage to do it without moving their lips. Perhaps you should look into finding someone else to read this stuff to you. The being you currently have thus engaged seems to be doing a bit of editorializing.
>>It's wonderful that you've got all this experience. Please share it. But at
>>the same time try looking for the best in others instead of assuming the
Look look for what you want, we'll look for what we want.
Specimens such as yourself, to whom the package is more important than what it contains, never cease to amaze us. It always puts us in mind of someone who buys a refrigerator because the door opens from either side and it comes in decorator colors. A opposed to someone who buys a refrigerator because it keeps stuff cold.
In parting we'd like to point out that when it's your turn to post, you get to say whatever you want to say in whatever manner you chose to affect. When it's our turn to post we get to say whatever we want to say in whatever manner it might please us to use.
If this is the sort of thing that bothers you, you will be bothered. Our lack of interest in your state of mind is total.
Your move...