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Discussion Think Tank for sign makers. I wonder if there might be any interest. I am open for discussion.

Robert Armerding

Listen Sharp
First Robert, you need to find a common language in order to discuss things in a confident manner. We all have different visions for the future. You need to be more specific and break these things down into time elements and not just blurt out what's the future hold for you, you and you ?? What kinda setups do we all have ?? Are they the same or do they vary ?? Need to find a middle ground or starting point. Get everybody on the same page. You're just going off half-cocked and not really making any sense to anyone out here. Perhaps to yourself, but you don't seem to wanna let the rest of us know what it is you are after, thus the push-back from so many.
Gino, again, I appreciate your feedback. As you say, "let us know what you are after."
In this thread, my on going intent is still to leave the floor wide open for any kind of input.
I am open to hearing the "push-back." I am open to hearing that it can't be done.
Yet, I want to continue with this open discussion. After all, there might be just one good topic that can be the making of a productive thread.


Graphics Department
Years ago, I had a program on my old Amiga 1000 computer called "Racter". It was supposed to be some sort of early A.I. computer therapist type of thing (there was also an older one called "Eliza"). Anyway, the odd back-and-forth of Racter came to mind after reading the back-and-forth here between Robert and other users. So, I found Racter online, and, well... yeah, it seemed a little similar... Screenshot below.


  • racter.jpg
    133.6 KB · Views: 240


Premium Subscriber
So then, why do you ask our opinions of having a 'think tank', to only have it poo-poo'ed and you move onto other subjects under the guise of something else ?? How do you expect to find any traction from a membership which is lost coming into this thread in the first place ?? Give yourself some breathing room and start a new thread about your future sign shops or just start a new subject about anything. Just keep it separate, so we all know what we're talking about, instead of some random thread with such a hodge-podge going on..... it's like a real cluster-f*ck.

I would imagine you can keep 2 or 3 threads going at once without getting mixed up. So, I suppose.... much easier than trying to figure out what all these people are talking about. You're just creating havoc and kinda ruining your credibility to help anyone with this kinda mess at your feet.

Robert Armerding

Listen Sharp
So then, why do you ask our opinions of having a 'think tank', to only have it poo-poo'ed and you move onto other subjects under the guise of something else ?? How do you expect to find any traction from a membership which is lost coming into this thread in the first place ?? Give yourself some breathing room and start a new thread about your future sign shops or just start a new subject about anything. Just keep it separate, so we all know what we're talking about, instead of some random thread with such a hodge-podge going on..... it's like a real cluster-f*ck.

I would imagine you can keep 2 or 3 threads going at once without getting mixed up. So, I suppose.... much easier than trying to figure out what all these people are talking about. You're just creating havoc and kinda ruining your credibility to help anyone with this kinda mess at your feet.
Gino, a day may come when a more specific Think Tank topic is in a new thread.
For this current thread, my goal, my intent is just to let anyone, you and anyone else, sound off. Say it as you see, no holds barred. I knew going in that when I use the term "Think Tank" I could conjure up all kinds of response. Tomorrow might bring another approach, we shall see.

Johnny Best

Active Member
Is not a "Think Tank" developed to get ideas on certain issues and then those ideas are sold to industries to use them. And ThinkTanks are usually a group of deep thinkers who try to predict where future endeavors might lead to.
Good luck with your new mission Robert and count me out because I am involved in a large project at the moment.
Its called Life.

Robert Armerding

Listen Sharp
Is not a "Think Tank" developed to get ideas on certain issues and then those ideas are sold to industries to use them. And ThinkTanks are usually a group of deep thinkers who try to predict where future endeavors might lead to.
Good luck with your new mission Robert and count me out because I am involved in a large project at the moment.
Its called Life.
Johnny Best, I hear you.


Premium Subscriber
Ya know, years ago, we would hold sign mixers and they were all over the place from coast to coast with some really top notch people being here in my area. The best guy was Mike Stevens and a buncha other guys. Anyway, these things would last 2 maybe 3 days and was fun for all and most of all a great learning experience for everyone, both young and old. We'd hold contests, demonstrations, games and most of all talk about signs, business and the future and how the past was. Usually everyday around mid afternoon, we'd hold a round table meeting. It could last anywhere form 2 hours up to 4 or 5 hours and it was so interesting it was just great. Everyone learned from each other and there were no competition barriers, cause we were all one industry. This forum..... is the closest thing to what they once were. Perhaps you can improve upon them, but as of yet, I don't see you angle. Sorry.
gino, you mean "mastering layout" mike stevens?


Magna Cum Laude - School of Hard Knocks
Gino, I deliberately started this as a wide open thread. If it goes off in dozens of different directions, I am looking to hear what interests different people. I still want to keep this thread wide open. There may be many others who have different ideas and I want to listen.
The problem is that no one can answer in real time. You're trying to create multiple topic discussions and there is no way in the world anyone can follow and participate like you seem to want. Maybe you should organize several topics and start a Zoom session. Otherwise, start a new thread for each topic and see what happens.

Robert Armerding

Listen Sharp
Who would fund this think tank, and who is the intended consumer to which it would report?
unclebun, on the funding, that matter is unknown at this point in the discovery process. On the who, depends on the interests of the group of people participating in the Think Tank.
One way to look at it, everyone here on Signs101 has one or more strengths when it comes to managing the business side of the their sign making. I am watching for key topics which will be in an upcoming thread, then we shall see if there any with valuable input.

Robert Armerding

Listen Sharp
The problem is that no one can answer in real time. You're trying to create multiple topic discussions and there is no way in the world anyone can follow and participate like you seem to want. Maybe you should organize several topics and start a Zoom session. Otherwise, start a new thread for each topic and see what happens.
eahicks, good to hear from you.
Let me attempt to explain one detail. I deliberately created this thread to be as wide open as I could make it. Why? So that anyone could express their interest. It could be dozens of topics.
As you suggest, depending on the interest shown here, I will develop various topics.
Interesting, you are the only one to suggest a Zoom session. I have been watching to see if anyone would bring it up. I am certainly open to planning one and your input would be welcome.
Like you say, we shall see what happens.


Rap Master
I thought that this was what the "Premium (paid) Section" of this forum was for, but when I was a premium member nobody ever posted or replied in those areas. I did not renew my subscription.

Robert Armerding

Listen Sharp
I thought that this was what the "Premium (paid) Section" of this forum was for, but when I was a premium member nobody ever posted or replied in those areas. I did not renew my subscription.
jfiscus, well, good to hear from you. If you have any interest in a Think Tank approach, I welcome your input.
My subscription is an annual merchant membership. So I am allowed to promote myself.

Stacey K

I like making signs
Stacey K, your input is very much appreciated. Do you sense that there is going to more or less of these kind people opening up?
There will continue to be more and more but the market is pretty saturated with online tshirts and decals - but who on here wants to do one decal anyway?

One thing I have been told by customers looking for apparel is they come to me is because I have actual product to "touch" and "feel". I was told the other day I know alot about apparel and they like that (I don't really think this is true but I'll take it). Signs are a different thing, many people are fine with never meeting me. Apparel is a little different, and it often goes hand in hand with signs.

Robert Armerding

Listen Sharp
There will continue to be more and more but the market is pretty saturated with online tshirts and decals - but who on here wants to do one decal anyway?

One thing I have been told by customers looking for apparel is they come to me is because I have actual product to "touch" and "feel". I was told the other day I know alot about apparel and they like that (I don't really think this is true but I'll take it). Signs are a different thing, many people are fine with never meeting me. Apparel is a little different, and it often goes hand in hand with signs.
Stacey K, keen observation of the difference between the way customers relate to you.
As you see it, in the future might there be more of "...many people are fine with never meeting me."?
Somewhere, somehow, they are still doing business with you, even if they never meet you.
My interest for a Think Tank topic might be on how to preemptively plan for that development.
Your thoughts are welcome.

David Wright

New Member
Years ago, I had a program on my old Amiga 1000 computer called "Racter". It was supposed to be some sort of early A.I. computer therapist type of thing (there was also an older one called "Eliza"). Anyway, the odd back-and-forth of Racter came to mind after reading the back-and-forth here between Robert and other users. So, I found Racter online, and, well... yeah, it seemed a little similar... Screenshot below.
Liking for the Amiga 1000. Still have one.