I like what he wrote and it’s a shame it took so much shaking him up to finally have him come to his senses, but why do I feel I just read a letter from Wiley Coyote ??
The reason we wholesale to other sign shops and retail customers is to help those that don’t have the necessities to do business, but are true business partners. Being around this industry for almost 40 years… you tend to see and hear all of the greatest lines and BS you can imagine. As the saying goes around here…. you have to start somewhere and
WE all did. Although tom has apologized, he still is going to get a wholesale price from someone and I don’t know if he absolutely qualifies for that, either.
We [
in our shop] give discounts to most everyone that does repeat business with us, but if an ad agency only does a few jobs a year, they don’t qualify for the guy that gets three jobs a month. We only wholesale good prices to s101…. all other local shops get a discount, but not what we give here. Also, some high end customers get a very nice discount, but again, it’s based on volume.
I just hope no one drops their prices to someone
…. anyone….. just because they promise some work that might not materialize. Remember, he said things about their plan and it
SHOULD work and if things go the way they
FIGURE…. they’ll be doing a lot. It’s all in the planning stages. So folks…. maybe this doesn’t pertain to tom, but be careful giving discounts based on empty promises.