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Thoughts & Suggestions on Logo...


Active Member
i like the top 2. I also like the font choices as I elike to see a little cursive thrown into logos instead of everything being so damn boring and monotanous. I dig it! I wouldnt change a thing


New Member
after looking up what trichology is, I think the one shown in post #14 works as it suggests hair growing without being literal.
Oops. I didn't even notice your second image you posted. I'm on my iPod this morning. Those look even better than the first. Great font choices this time but I'm still diggin the round hair icon a little more.


New Member
Thanks for all the input guys. I've made some changes to the fonts, colors, and added their tag line... This seems to be what im leaning towards now, but idk... Some of you guys like the original too. I have an update of that version too i will upload.


  • Trichology NEW (Proof).jpg
    Trichology NEW (Proof).jpg
    37 KB · Views: 108


New Member
For some reason those colors aren't working for me. They just don't seem to mesh with the subject matter.


New Member
I like the colors that are in the shades of green as it gives the feeling of growth/growing/fresh and new. it hints at new hair without going for the in your face kind of colors and graphics. I like it. not so much with the shades of blue.


New Member
Here are the updated ones from yesterday... Which do you like better? Any color suggestions?


  • Trichology Original (Proof).jpg
    Trichology Original (Proof).jpg
    36.8 KB · Views: 102


New Member
get "of Lousiana" a little smaller, it sticking out the left side grabs too much of my attention

i think the right side is too squared, for some reason i could see a silloutte of a face there instead of solid straight squared off

i think the lower case version of the lettering looks best, from the first set before it got bolded for this last version
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New Member
I like the logomark a lot but not the fonts on any of your examples. I also like the blue greens in play, feels very medical which is a good thing. You want to calm and attract patients not trigger their tricho. Are you pretty new to typography? All of your examples just feel "default". I'd suggest you look through Hoefler & Frere-Jones, their fonts tend to read calm friendly American authority and work really well for branding and cross-channel marketing medias including signage. I don't like the lower case on the business name but I'm guessing that's out of your hands.


New Member
Yea, the type is somewhat default... I just thought that for this type of logo a basic font was needed to give it a professional medical feel... I definitely didn't wanna get too crazy with the fonts. Is there a particular font you have in mind that would work better? Can you post some examples??