The part you fail to grasp is not the choice betwixt taking some menial job or whatever alternative might await, but the sum total of all of the choices you have made that have lead you to this particular choice. It is not fallacious to assume that had those previous choices been different you wouldn't be presented with this choice.
It may not be fallacious to make the assumption, but that does not in of itself mean that the assumption is a correct one to make.
Your assumption, as I'm understanding it, is that they are directly responsible for everything that has lead to them dealing with whatever issue during this point in time.
That may be indeed be the case in some instances, however, not in all. That's the issue with your assumption that I have.
Perhaps an informal paraphrasing of the principle of 'choice except when not' is that you may not be responsible for the cards you're dealt but you sure a hell are responsible for how you play them.
Oddly enough, I do agree with that. But you are taking it beyond the scope of that. You assume that in every instance for everyone there is a choice. In order for that to be true, everyone would have to know all the facts before hand and how the events would play out. Not all the time mind you, there are some assumptions that people could make that might have lead them to another decision that they could have reasonably have made, but not every time and it's those instances that your thesis doesn't account for and where it falls short.
Well then, that settles it, eh? You don't subscribe therefore it cannot be the case.
No, it means exactly what is stated. I don't subscribe to it. It could still be the case and I could be wrong, which is why I participate in these "discussions" to learn, to grow. I'm not as close minded as you might think.
A choice nonetheless. Your reasons for choosing as you do are your own but you must necessarily accept responsibility for any outcome regardless you how you rationalize your decision.
But, it may not have been of my choosing that I was in that position like your thesis dictates. How I handle it and how I move on are indeed my responsibility, how I got there may not.
Again what does how much you make determine a thankful gift or thoughtful gesture of appreciation?
Best as I can figure is that as long as they do their job that is commiserate with their pay then it's good enough. That's what I can figure from bob's point of view. I could be wrong, but that's what I'm reading into it.
I don't care so much if they choose not to do it or to do it. What really does concern me is that they choose to vilify or strongly criticize my doing it.
Tip a UPS driver? Are you unhinged?
They already make a princely wage to do their job. What would possess anyone to offer to subsidizes UPS's help or worse, bribe them into better service.
I don't consider it bribery if they initiated with the above and beyond service. There are some people that are really good at service and taking care of people. That takes a special person. I see what some of them get from customers that probably think along the lines of bob and yet that still march on. I wouldn't be able to do that. To me, it's worth showing a little extra of appreciation.