New Member
They must be democats....wanting something for nothing
Hey Joe... thanks for the kudo's... I had the good fortune to meet Round Man this summer & I can honestly say he has more talent in his brush hand alone then I have dredged up in my life thus far.. (but I got a few years to catch up I thinkiam a freind of round man, i-sign, and in the realm of talent out there, these 2 are at the top of the list.
They must be democats....wanting something for nothing
Now, as for I-45 & his ignorant & inappropriate comment... it don't get much dumber then a merchant alienating half the market he pay's to advertise to, because he can't manage to follow the rules of this forum, OR basic common sense of marketing... can we say "dumas" here?
Thats what you are "Old Timer" your time has passed.
Once you get older you get lazy and the new generation will take over. Its always been like that so why bother complaining about them instead we should help them.
hey im that guy!!!! im that guy that opened two years ago, while you were an "established" sign shop.
i did it better, faster, longer, harder and more efficient that you! should go back to your old avitar. Ya know, the swoosh ......oops, I meant the stolen swoosh. Remember the line of crap you gave us over that one?
My new competition is a screen printer who bought a Roland and became a wana be sign guy. Seriously damaging the market price. He has no conception of deadlines and sells poor quality product. Lately he has been hounding my customers and offering a better deal while badmouthing me. Only a matter of time and he'll be out of business. I think I'm gonna sell t-shirts for wholesale for a while. I know he gets $20 per and I can sell for $5 per and blow up his market. I'm not usually that nasty, but need to cover the damage quickly. Clueless screen printers with attitude piss me off, no wonder they are attacking the sign industry, they f#$#ed up theirs.
The t-shirt thing was a bit off, but I'm pissed and thats how I feel. I guess in the end he will sink his own ship. Sorry if it insulted anyone or raised any hackles. Any other solutions other that t-shirt sales, I'm at wits end.
ohhh, stick it up your.......... (jk)
I smell something here! "JEALOUSY". I feel good when somebody talks about me. WOW.
And you with the t-shirt thing, come compete with me, I can go as low as $2.5O a shirt and still make a profit.
So go screw your self i don't give a damn what you think about me.
And you with the t-shirt thing, come compete with me, I can go as low as $2.5O a shirt and still make a profit.
The truth is I don't want to get into T's. Nope, no desire at all. The facts I said are true, and possibly sky high is right. The bastard I deal with needs confrunted. Jealous of you I doubt it, not in a million years. $2.50 ea t good job, I could even go cheaper if I had the desire. I got into the sign industry to make signs not t's, too many silk screeners fighting over pennies. At the time I posted, I hadn't made a decision what I thought of you, now I might have.
You do realize that this is an open forum so if someone looking for a t shirt guy in Willowbrook, IL and they happen upon this thread. They are going to think you are ripping them off when you charge them Around $10 for their shirt.