Honestly, the only thing I've seen you do is bash elon.
I've mentioned Elon in the past 2-3 posts, because the astronauts and Tesla were brought up only? Think I've got a good dozen or so posts in this thread. And did I say anything that was incorrect that'd be considered bashing?
I learned you can't argue, and I don't feel I've said anything negative on here about anyone, or called anyone names? Calling people jealous, or psycophantism, or whataboutism doesn't add anything to the conversation.
I've bashed musk where he deserves to be, and I've never brought him up. Only replied about him. If you want to say the astronauts were left stranded, and musk keeps parroting that and making people believe it... Is it bashing for calling him out? Did you watch the video I posted, and see they themselves said they're not stranded and wish the media would stop saying they are? Still think Musk isn't using It as a publicity stunt / a "win" for space x?
Nothing I've said about musk has been fake, and if it has... I invite you to post proof / evidence like I have to you, I'm not unreasonable...
I'll make it easy for you... I believe I mentioned we bought a lightning because of all the issues cyber trucks been having -not being able to see out the back when the cover is closed, them having to halt all sales because the glue is failing and panels are falling off which is a big safety issue, it now being 30-40% higher than what he initially said it would be.
I mentioned him calling the lead rescue diver a pedophile because he didn't want to use Musk's subs / said they wouldn't fit in the cave....
I called him a crackhead, but I explained it is being used as a metaphor / he's acting like a crack head, not that I actually believe he's on crack.
I mentioned the Nazi salute - and sure, we can argue whether it was / wasn't... But when pretty much all Germany and most Nazi "professors" say it's almost definatelly a Nazi salute.... I don't think it's wrong to call it one.
Pretty sure that's it, but feel free to go back of you think I said more / something that wasn't accurate! Again, like I said... I'm all for seeing others views and viewpoints, and maybe it's change my mind... I still believe there's a benefit to talking politics, and debating anything. Name calling / and accusing people of stuff just hurts that. Not accusing you of doing it, and both sides do it all the time. But we should be better than that.
Say I voted for Biden (I'm Canadian so I didnt... did vote for Trudeau, and while he was originally good... he became very bad, but then ended on a high note) - and it turns out he was a creepy old dude who loved to sniff young girls hairs, I have no skin in the game... I should be able to see all the bad he does, even if he does some good and change my mind about him, or be able to call him out for the bad shit he does. No candidate is perfect... And once the average joe realized that, maybe politicians won't try to pull the crazy stuff they pull.
Think of how odd it is that almost every vote is split down the political lines.... E ery Republican shouldn't agree with every Republican, and every Democrat shouldn't agree with every Democrat... Statistically it's impossible... But it always seems to go that way. Praise musk / the president / whomever for the gold stuff they do, and don't be afraid to call out the bad stuff.
[Edit] and just to point out.. I used to like musk. I like starlink, it's a great technology. I like what he's done with space x... I even like what he's done with Tesla, I think the build quality is crap... But I like the self driving. He's done a lot of great things, but when he started calling people pedophiles and threatening to cut off starlink to countries, I lost all respect for him. Nothing to do with his doge even, although I also don't agree with that... But that's another topic. A lot of people have been moving away from musk and his companies well before he got into politics.... He's been "crackheady" and sporadic in a lot of areas latelly, most having nothing to do with politics.