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US Tariffs, Sigh!


Active Member
Do you have any interviews/articles backing up your claim? According to the articles I've read, they were stranded up there because of technical problems. They were able to continue to do some research up there, but they were definitely stranded. Everything I'm reading (and hearing) says they are happy to get to come home after 286 days. no snippits were taken.

Oh, and I love to show off pictures of my shop. :) We are located within walking distance of Johnson Space Center in Houston. I've grown up around astronauts my whole life. And I have tons of friends who work at NASA. Lots of Nasa contractors as customers...even a few astronauts.

Here is a video interview of them saying despite what Donald Trump was saying they do not feel stuck or stranded and they are hoping this interview can change that rhetoric... I know it's cnn, and you guys seem to hate CNN, but you can watch the video of them talk about it and how they're more than happy to be up there. They're both trump / musk supporters too, so they wouldn't make it up.

The x head of the space station tweeted to musk saying that is lying, and he knows just as well that the set date for them to come back was XX date... And isn't always has been the plan and they were more than happy with it and it was their decision. The next day Musk tweeted with the space station needs to be decommissioned right away.... You can Google those and find the tweets if you want! There's so many articles about them I can't sift through them right now. I believe they were originally supposed to come home in a month or two...so this feels more like a publicity stunt on how musk got the stranded astronauts who were abandoned back home... Even though they'd be home soon anyways.

I generally don't take what news says with a grain of salt, most of how I feel and the stuff that I repeat is stuff I see from people posting directly on Twitter or videos of them talking....

I'm sure after year they would be happy, I haven't watched any new snippets of them in a while... But the few interviews I did see were of them stating they were happy to be able to spend so much time and space... But even if you're happy to spend time in space I'm sure you miss family and friends.


Premium Subscriber
Here's a good read on his bankruptcies. Without doing a real deep dive into this, most of them are casino's/hotels during the recession in the 1990's. It's odd to me you think he's not a good businessman. He's a billionaire, you don't get rich from making more bad decisions than good decisions. When you dabble in real estate there's a lot of loopholes...I use them too. Our tax system has many gray areas in it, many loopholes, if you don't use them while staying within the law, you are a fool.

Yes, I do think the country should be run like a business. Anytime there is money involved things should be run like a business. A good example is DOGE. I just saw they found 20,000 software licenses for only 10,000 employees and none of them were used. In your own business each year you look at your expenses and you decide which are important. You cancel subscriptions, etc. These career politicians on both sides are mostly idiots. Most of them have been in politics their entire life, they've never held a private sector job. How can we expect them to handle a budget?

On a sidenote, some of the leases the government holds on buildings are insanely overpaid. Someone I know owns a US post office and a Social Security building, they had a VA Clinic. These types of buildings require a 30-year lease. I'm not getting into specifics with payments...but if you have the chance to buy one - DO IT. The government doesn't own any buildings, everything is leased from the private sector. So, if any of us were willing to donate or pull strings for someone in government, we could acquire a building and set the lease amount...that's what's happened. My friend doesn't have any government connections, they bought the buildings with leases in place. But...one can see how this could go corrupt very quickly. Those types of things need to be run like a business, because it IS business.

That's why I voted for, Ross Perot.
oh ok...so if your business hits an all time monthly high, then it's your workers that can take the credit...even though you did all the sales? got it.
If my employees created a new printer that could laminate and do its own installs, then yes I would give them the credit. I'm not an egotistic, needy, ketamine addict in desparate need of being liked.


Premium Subscriber
Where ??

Sometimes using big words makes a person feel..... well, put it this way. I've tried thinking using your style of thinking process and I just can't swing it. Maybe we should just try and reassure you and not criticize you and maybe you'll come down off that high horse of yours.


Active Member
Let's not attack eachother :roflmao: this thread was going so well!

Everyone has different views. Even if you completely disagree with someone's views, at least try to understand where they're coming from.

There's so much disinformation out there, they call it the far left and far right for a reason ... Both sides are guilty of it. It's much better to have a civil conversation with eachother, lay out your viewpoints, back them up when asked, and know when to give up on an argument when neither side is willing to budge.

Back in my day we had healthy debates in school .. people would talk politics without it getting so heated. It's much harder now that people are bombarded with so much information, news stations are biased, most of the conversations through a forum where you can sound like a dick or be mis-understood (such as my musk is a crackhead comment).

Good, constructive politic talk is healthy, no matter which side your on. I go into this knowing I won't change any of your minds, and you won't change my mind, but at least it makes us think and understand the others viewpoints.

Geneva Olson

Expert Storyteller
Let's not attack eachother :roflmao: this thread was going so well!

Everyone has different views. Even if you completely disagree with someone's views, at least try to understand where they're coming from.

There's so much disinformation out there, they call it the far left and far right for a reason ... Both sides are guilty of it. It's much better to have a civil conversation with eachother, lay out your viewpoints, back them up when asked, and know when to give up on an argument when neither side is willing to budge.

Back in my day we had healthy debates in school .. people would talk politics without it getting so heated. It's much harder now that people are bombarded with so much information, news stations are biased, most of the conversations through a forum where you can sound like a dick or be mis-understood (such as my musk is a crackhead comment).

Good, constructive politic talk is healthy, no matter which side your on. I go into this knowing I won't change any of your minds, and you won't change my mind, but at least it makes us think and understand the others viewpoints.
Honestly, the only thing I've seen you do is bash elon.


Quit buggin' me
Two astronauts are safely back on Earth. Take all the politics out and it was a flawless mission. It is an amazing time to be alive when humans can do stuff like this. Love or hate the guys leading, but they are getting it done. Pushing us out into the solar system at a rate I would not have thought possible. I remember watching the first moon landing like it was yesterday. Go team Earth!
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Active Member
Honestly, the only thing I've seen you do is bash elon.
I've mentioned Elon in the past 2-3 posts, because the astronauts and Tesla were brought up only? Think I've got a good dozen or so posts in this thread. And did I say anything that was incorrect that'd be considered bashing?

I learned you can't argue, and I don't feel I've said anything negative on here about anyone, or called anyone names? Calling people jealous, or psycophantism, or whataboutism doesn't add anything to the conversation.

I've bashed musk where he deserves to be, and I've never brought him up. Only replied about him. If you want to say the astronauts were left stranded, and musk keeps parroting that and making people believe it... Is it bashing for calling him out? Did you watch the video I posted, and see they themselves said they're not stranded and wish the media would stop saying they are? Still think Musk isn't using It as a publicity stunt / a "win" for space x?

Nothing I've said about musk has been fake, and if it has... I invite you to post proof / evidence like I have to you, I'm not unreasonable...

I'll make it easy for you... I believe I mentioned we bought a lightning because of all the issues cyber trucks been having -not being able to see out the back when the cover is closed, them having to halt all sales because the glue is failing and panels are falling off which is a big safety issue, it now being 30-40% higher than what he initially said it would be.

I mentioned him calling the lead rescue diver a pedophile because he didn't want to use Musk's subs / said they wouldn't fit in the cave....

I called him a crackhead, but I explained it is being used as a metaphor / he's acting like a crack head, not that I actually believe he's on crack.

I mentioned the Nazi salute - and sure, we can argue whether it was / wasn't... But when pretty much all Germany and most Nazi "professors" say it's almost definatelly a Nazi salute.... I don't think it's wrong to call it one.

Pretty sure that's it, but feel free to go back of you think I said more / something that wasn't accurate! Again, like I said... I'm all for seeing others views and viewpoints, and maybe it's change my mind... I still believe there's a benefit to talking politics, and debating anything. Name calling / and accusing people of stuff just hurts that. Not accusing you of doing it, and both sides do it all the time. But we should be better than that.

Say I voted for Biden (I'm Canadian so I didnt... did vote for Trudeau, and while he was originally good... he became very bad, but then ended on a high note) - and it turns out he was a creepy old dude who loved to sniff young girls hairs, I have no skin in the game... I should be able to see all the bad he does, even if he does some good and change my mind about him, or be able to call him out for the bad shit he does. No candidate is perfect... And once the average joe realized that, maybe politicians won't try to pull the crazy stuff they pull.

Think of how odd it is that almost every vote is split down the political lines.... E ery Republican shouldn't agree with every Republican, and every Democrat shouldn't agree with every Democrat... Statistically it's impossible... But it always seems to go that way. Praise musk / the president / whomever for the gold stuff they do, and don't be afraid to call out the bad stuff.

[Edit] and just to point out.. I used to like musk. I like starlink, it's a great technology. I like what he's done with space x... I even like what he's done with Tesla, I think the build quality is crap... But I like the self driving. He's done a lot of great things, but when he started calling people pedophiles and threatening to cut off starlink to countries, I lost all respect for him. Nothing to do with his doge even, although I also don't agree with that... But that's another topic. A lot of people have been moving away from musk and his companies well before he got into politics.... He's been "crackheady" and sporadic in a lot of areas latelly, most having nothing to do with politics.
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Stacey K

I like making signs
What makes a businessman good? Like, helping those around them, or maximizing profits, or making the best product, or making the cheapest product that sells regardless?
What a great question!

Step one...
1. Willing to take risks to gain rewards.
2. Surrounding yourself with smart people, often smarter than yourself.
3. Having a good support system.
4. Above average confidence.
5. Use the banks money vs. your own and the gray areas of the tax law.
6. Maximize profits
7. Make the best product or make a cheap one that sells.
8. Understanding that you will make a lot of enemies.

Step 2
1. Donate back to your community.
2. Make safe products that will not kill, maim or hurt the environment.
3. Give credit where credit is due.
4. Never forget where you came from. Treat everyone with respect, even your enemies.

When a person hyperfocus's on Step 1, Step 2 often takes a back seat. It's not until you implement both steps that you truly are a "good" businessman.

In all reality, if you read up about any millionaire or billionaire, they are often difficult people, jerks, focused on themselves. I can't really think of anyone except maybe a few sports hero's that encompass all the traits above. Morals are often sketchy and that's just the way it is. Most people can't handle the pressure and aren't willing to set our morals aside at times. We all see how our local businesses and politics works. It's to a much higher degree the more money you have. Does it make it right? NO. Do I have what it takes to run billion-dollar companies? NO.

Geneva Olson

Expert Storyteller
I've mentioned Elon in the past 2-3 posts, because the astronauts and Tesla were brought up only? Think I've got a good dozen or so posts in this thread. And did I say anything that was incorrect that'd be considered bashing?

I learned you can't argue, and I don't feel I've said anything negative on here about anyone, or called anyone names? Calling people jealous, or psycophantism, or whataboutism doesn't add anything to the conversation.

I've bashed musk where he deserves to be, and I've never brought him up. Only replied about him. If you want to say the astronauts were left stranded, and musk keeps parroting that and making people believe it... Is it bashing for calling him out? Did you watch the video I posted, and see they themselves said they're not stranded and wish the media would stop saying they are? Still think Musk isn't using It as a publicity stunt / a "win" for space x?

Nothing I've said about musk has been fake, and if it has... I invite you to post proof / evidence like I have to you, I'm not unreasonable...

I'll make it easy for you... I believe I mentioned we bought a lightning because of all the issues cyber trucks been having -not being able to see out the back when the cover is closed, them having to halt all sales because the glue is failing and panels are falling off which is a big safety issue, it now being 30-40% higher than what he initially said it would be.

I mentioned him calling the lead rescue diver a pedophile because he didn't want to use Musk's subs / said they wouldn't fit in the cave....

I called him a crackhead, but I explained it is being used as a metaphor / he's acting like a crack head, not that I actually believe he's on crack.

I mentioned the Nazi salute - and sure, we can argue whether it was / wasn't... But when pretty much all Germany and most Nazi "professors" say it's almost definatelly a Nazi salute.... I don't think it's wrong to call it one.

Pretty sure that's it, but feel free to go back of you think I said more / something that wasn't accurate! Again, like I said... I'm all for seeing others views and viewpoints, and maybe it's change my mind... I still believe there's a benefit to talking politics, and debating anything. Name calling / and accusing people of stuff just hurts that. Not accusing you of doing it, and both sides do it all the time. But we should be better than that.

Say I voted for Biden (I'm Canadian so I didnt... did vote for Trudeau, and while he was originally good... he became very bad, but then ended on a high note) - and it turns out he was a creepy old dude who loved to sniff young girls hairs, I have no skin in the game... I should be able to see all the bad he does, even if he does some good and change my mind about him, or be able to call him out for the bad shit he does. No candidate is perfect... And once the average joe realized that, maybe politicians won't try to pull the crazy stuff they pull.

Think of how odd it is that almost every vote is split down the political lines.... E ery Republican shouldn't agree with every Republican, and every Democrat shouldn't agree with every Democrat... Statistically it's impossible... But it always seems to go that way. Praise musk / the president / whomever for the gold stuff they do, and don't be afraid to call out the bad stuff.

[Edit] and just to point out.. I used to like musk. I like starlink, it's a great technology. I like what he's done with space x... I even like what he's done with Tesla, I think the build quality is crap... But I like the self driving. He's done a lot of great things, but when he started calling people pedophiles and threatening to cut off starlink to countries, I lost all respect for him. Nothing to do with his doge even, although I also don't agree with that... But that's another topic. A lot of people have been moving away from musk and his companies well before he got into politics.... He's been "crackheady" and sporadic in a lot of areas latelly, most having nothing to do with politics.

The OP was about tariffs and it is a question on how we, as business owners, will deal with tariffs. None of that has to do with Elon...


Active Member
The OP was about tariffs and it is a question on how we, as business owners, will deal with tariffs. None of that has to do with Elon...
Yeah... So why'd you bring it up? I mean... I was replying to you, and it looks like musk wasn't mentioned (at least 2 pages before you mentioned it, I didn't check all the way back) until you brought it up.

Sorry, I'm going to stop the back and fourth now - this is why I said arguing with people on the internet is dumb, you've ignored all my questions, all the evidence you've asked me to post, and go onto saying this thread isn't about musk... When you're the one that brought musk into it and I was replying to you... You can't admit you may have fallen for the news proopoganda about the astronauts even when they said it themselves... I wish people were more open minded and didn't just constantly dig their heels into the ground while deflecting.

If you want to have a real conversation that's fact based and backed up by evidence, let me know, always happy to join in! But otherwise I'll drop the musk topic.


Geneva Olson

Expert Storyteller
Yea, I brought up his name. You're the one who called him a crackhead. and you say i'm digging my heels in?
What Ive seen is people calling trump supporters "magats", elon is a "crackhead" and another said he was a ketamin addict. If youre going to talk about having good dialogue, perhaps don't treat republicans and/or trump supporters like we are sub human. You may not have said some of those things, but you didn't admonish the people who did...and you joined in on the rhetoric. What's interesting was that I was responding to SOMEONE ELSE when he called trump supporters "MAGAts". And THAT was to prove how quickly democrats will jump from loving something to hating it. I was directly contradicting what the previous guy said.
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